
World Wars

  • [Cause]Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand

    [Cause]Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
    He was the heir to the Austro-Hungarian empire, and was assassinated by a Serbian nationalist.
  • Period: to

    World War I

  • [Cause] Mutual Defense Alliance

    [Cause] Mutual Defense Alliance
    When Austria-Hungary declared war against Serbia, they were aided by Germany, Ottomans, Bulgaria, and Italy however Russia, USA, Britain, and France sided with Serbia to counteract the movements made by the "Allies"
  • The Gallipoli Campaign

    The Gallipoli Campaign
    The Sea Turns Red - Gallipoli Landings I THE GREAT WAR It was the attempt by the Allied Forces, specifically Russia, to Gallipoli peninsula. The piece of land formed the northern bank of the Dardanelles strait that allowed passage into the sea. To achieve this Russia sent for Britain and France to form a naval attack on the Ottoman capital of Constantinople.(which they did not win)
  • The Battle of Verdun

    The Battle of Verdun
    The Battle of Verdun - They Shall Not Pass I THE GREAT WAR The longest battle of WWI between Germany and France. The plan was concocted by German Chief of Staff, Erich Von Falkenhayn. He believed that if they hit France at Verdun, which had many forts, then they wont be able to handle it and it would change the course of the entire World War.
  • [Consequence] Treaty of Versailles

    [Consequence] Treaty of Versailles
    Signed between France and Germany in order to prevent more fighting and make the said countries pay for the damage made during the war. This made the Germans have a desire of revenge, and Adolf Hitler led them to regain what they lost during World War I.
  • Period: to

    World War II

  • [Consequence] Economic collapse and Political instability

    [Consequence] Economic collapse and Political instability
    WWI caused depression in Germany, Italy, and the Soviet Union. This gave way to the rise of Fascism, "a form of radical authoritarian nationalism"
  • The Attack on Pearl Harbor

    The Attack on Pearl Harbor
    World War II Part 1: Crash Course US History #35 The surprise attack by the Japanese against the US naval base in Hawai'i that brought the USA into World War II and into war with Japan.
  • Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

    Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
    An American pilot of a B-29 Superfortress dropped the first atomic bomb in the 2 Japanese 3 days apart which decimated the country's population. This attack was a powerful external influence to make the Japanese surrender.
  • Economic Consequences of WWII in

    Economic Consequences of WWII in
    Infrastructure, transport, and communications were destroyed in both contending countries. This made it hard for raw materials to be traded and even more for anyone to eat, resulting in even more casualties.
  • The Formation of the United Nations

    The Formation of the United Nations
    The history of the United Nations It is a replacement for the League of Nation, and used to promote international co-operation and preserve peace.