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World War One

  • The Triple Alliance is formed

    The Triple Alliance is formed
    Triple Alliance is secret agreement between Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy and lasted from may 20 1882 to the beginning of WW1 (1914).
  • France and Russia become allies.

    France and Russia become allies.
    An alliance was formed between Russia and France in 1894
  • The Triple Entente is Formed

    The Triple  Entente is Formed
    Britain was added to the Franco-Russian Alliance; creating the Triple Entente to combat the Triple Alliance.
  • Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria.

       Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria.
    The Archduke was killed in Sarajevo with his wife, Duchess Sophie. The assasinator was Bosnian Serb Gavrilo Princip.
  • Austria–Hungary declares war on Serbia.

    Austria–Hungary declares war on Serbia.
    Following the assasination of their archduke; Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia, the homecountry of the Archduck's assasinator. Russia mobilises to stop Austria-Hungary's armies. Russia had secretly signed an agreement promising to protect Serbia before they were part of the triple entente.
  • Germany declares was on Russia.

    Germany declares was on Russia.
    Part of the triple alliance; Germany goes to Austra-Hungary's aid by declaring war on Russia, to prevent them mobilizing to Austria-Hungary.
  • The Ottoman empire signs a treaty with Germany

    The Ottoman empire signs a treaty with Germany
    The treaty was signed in secret against Russia (Russian Empire)
  • Britain declares war on Germany.

    Britain declares war on Germany.
    Part of the triple Alliance with Russia and France, Britain goes to Russia's aid when Germany declared war; responding by declaring war on Germany. This is when Australia's involvement in the First World War began. Both opposition leader and Prime minister of Australia at the time, Joseph Cook pledged full support of Britain.
  • Voluntary recruitment for Australian Imperial Force (AIF) commence

    Voluntary recruitment for Australian Imperial Force (AIF) commence
    Propaganda and false advertisement prvided a false idea of war to the young Australians, who mainly regarded going to war as something heroic and gloryfying and without bloodshed.
  • Period: to

    The Australian Navy seizes German New Guinea.

    Britain seizes German New Guinea and surrounding islands through the Australian Navy. This is the first action Australia actively takes during WW1.
  • The Ottoman Empire enters WW1.

    The Ottoman Empire enters WW1.
    The Ottoman Empire enter the war as an ally of the Triple Alliance — Germany and Austria and (neutral) Italy.
  • The Ottoman Empire declares war on the Allies.

    The Ottoman Empire declares war on the Allies.
    The Ottoman Empire (Turkey) declare ware on Britain, France, Russia, Italy and the United States (the allies)
  • ANZACs are moved to Egypt to be trained.

    ANZACs are moved to Egypt to be trained.
    The combined Australian and New Zealand's recruits are taken to Egypt to train.
  • ANZAC Recruits in Egypt are to be moved to Turkey.

    ANZAC Recruits in Egypt are to be moved to Turkey.
    The Anzac Corps in Egypt received orders that they are to move to the Turkish front in Gallipoli.
  • ANZACs Land in Gallipoli

    ANZACs Land in Gallipoli
    Between 4:30 and 4:45 am the 3rd Australian Brigade landed on Gallipoli . By the nighfall, all the ANZAC troops arrived. The plan was to secure 7 kilometres of Turkish land. As a result of Turkish counter-attacks, the Anzacs held a narrow triangle of land roughly 2 kilometres long and only under a kilometre inland.
  • Period: to

    the ANZACs are Stationed in Gallipoli

    Australia’s role in the Gallipoli campaign was to take Turkey out of the war so the British had access to Turkish waters. Passage was needed through the Black Sea and Turkish territory for the shipment of equipment, troops and weapons to Russia
  • Turkish Attacks Fail to drive the ANZACs to sea.

    Turkish Attacks Fail to drive the ANZACs to sea.
    Between 27 and 29 April, Turkish counter-attacks failed to drive the Anzacs into the sea. The small area of the Gallipoli peninsula that they now held became known as Anzac cove.
  • The British brake through the Turkish lines towards Krithia.

    The British brake through the Turkish lines towards Krithia.
    After the third battle in the town Krithia, the Turkish line of offence was finally broken. The British suffered more than 4,500 casualties, the French more than 2,000 and the Turks admitted to more than 9,000 dead and wounded
  • Cholera inoculations began at Anzac.

    Cholera inoculations began at Anzac.
    Cholera is an infectious and often fatal bacterial disease of the small intestine, typically contracted from infected water supplies and causing severe vomiting and diarrhea and shows one of the many consequenses of the Gallipoli campain.
  • 1st Australian Division attacked Turkish trenches

    1st Australian Division attacked Turkish trenches
    Units of the 1st Australian Division attacked Lone Pine Turkish trenches at 5:30 pm. By 6.00pm The Turkish front line at Lone Pine fell to the Australians. British units begin landing at Suvla Bay at 9:30 pm
  • British units advanced at Suvla bay

    British units advanced at Suvla bay
    Little progress was made when the British units advanced at Suvla bay against the Turks on Kiretch Tepe Ridge.The attackers suffered more than 2,000 casualties.
  • Lord Kitchener advised that Gallipoli should be evacuated.

    Lord Kitchener advised that Gallipoli should be evacuated.
    This would involve retreating more than 93,000 troops, 200 guns and more than 5,000 animals.
  • The ANZACs Evacuate Gallipoli

    The ANZACs Evacuate Gallipoli
    After approximately 8,709 Australian fatalities, The ANZACs were finally ordered to withdraw from Gallipoli on December 20th. This campaign lasted over eight months and ends as a victory tot he Ottoman Empire and a retreat of the Allies.
  • Period: to

    The Battle of Verdun

    The Battle of Verdun begins on the Western Front between the German and French armies. This battle will last until December of 1916 and will finally result in a French victory.
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    The Battle of the Somme

    The Battle of the Somme, was one of the largest battles of the First World War. Fought near the Somme River in France, it was also one of the bloodiest battles in history. On the first day alone, the British suffered more than 57,000 casualties, and by the end of the campaign the Allies and Central Powers would lose more than 1.5 million men
  • The Russian Revolution Begins.

    The Russian Revolution Begins.
    Two revolutions swept through Russia, ending centuries of imperial rule and starting an era of communism.
  • The United States declared war on Germany

    The United States declared war on Germany
    The United States enters the war, declaring war on Germany and going to the defence of the Allies
  • The Russians Leave the War

    The Russians Leave the War
    A group of Communists led by Vladimir Lenin, the Bolsheviks, overthrew the government in November 1917 and created a Communist government. Lenin wanted to concentrate on building up a communist state and wanted to pull Russia out of the war. The Russians agree to peace with the Central powers and leave the war.
  • Germany launches the Spring Offensive

    Germany launches the Spring Offensive
    Germany launches the Spring Offensive hoping to defeat the Allies before reinforcements from the United States can be deployed.
  • Period: to

    Second Battle of Marne

    Or Battle of Reims was the last major German Spring Offensive on the Western Front and was a victory for the Allies.
  • World War 1 Ends.

    World War 1 Ends.
    Germany agrees to an armistice and the fighting comes to an end at 11am on the 11th day of the 11th month.
  • The Treaty of Versailles is signed by Germany

    The Treaty of Versailles is signed by Germany
    The Treaty of Versailles is signed by Germany and World War I comes to an end and the world is at Peace.