
World War II timeline project

  • Hitler Becomes Chancellor

    Adolf Hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany
  • Hitler Breaks The Treaty of Versailles

    He increased his maximum troops from 100,000 to 300,000, than increasing his naval fleet and building massive warships, and making submarines another banned item signed on by the treaty, also had been making new warplanes and increasing output
  • Reveal of the Luftwaffle

    He made a gamble by giving info to a British official telling him about the airforce, after nothing happened he started to increase troop size and making 36 divisions in the military.
  • Hitlers Speeches

    Hitler meanwhile was talking about how all he wants is peace and how war is horrible to everyone. Also he talks about how he respects the territory rules set up by the treaty.
  • Mussolini Invades Ethiopia

    Itally, under leadership of Prime Minister Benito Mussolini, invades Ethiopia.
  • Neutrality Act

    President Franklin D. Roosevelt signs the 1937 Neutrality Act, which bans travel on belligerent ships, forbids the arming of American merchant ships trading with belligerents, and issues an arms embargo with warring nations.
  • Japan Defeats China

    The Japanese defeat Chinese forces in a battle near Peking, taking control of North China
  • Roosevelt Limits Ships to Asia

    President Franklin D. Roosevelt forbids U.S. ships from carrying arms to China or Japan
  • Roosevelt Quarantines War

    In response to Japanese action in China, President Franklin D. Roosevelt delivers a speech in which he calls for peace-loving nations to act together to "quarantine" aggressors to protect the world from the "Disease" of war
  • Attack on the Panay

    Japanese warplanes dive-bomb the American gunboat Panay in the Yangtze River in China. Japan apologizes and pays reparations for the lives lost.
  • Hitler is Time Man of the Year

    Time magazine prints its 1938 man od the year edition choosing Adolf Hitler for the title, but does not show his face
  • March of Time

    Time Inc. releases an anti-Nazi propaganda newsreel entitled March of Time in Nazi Germany.
  • U.S. Against Japan

    In the United States, popular support for American action against Japan far exceeds support for action against Nazi Germany
  • Hitler Supports Japan

    German Chancellor Adolf Hitler announces support for Japan.
  • Anschluss

    German Chancellor Adolf Hitler declares Austria part of the Third Reich
  • Hermann Goering Warns Jews

    Marshal of the Third Reich and Hitler's sexond in charge, warns all Jews to leave Austria
  • U.S. Recognizes Austria

    The United States grants recognition to the new Austrian government
  • Mussolini Joins Hitler

    In a speech in Rome, Benito Mussolini, fascist leader of Italy, promises to fight the democracies alongside Adolf Hitler's should war break out.
  • Naval Expansion Act

    The U.S. Congress passes the Naval Expansion Act giving President Franklin D. Roosevelt one billion dollars to enlarge the navy.
  • Hitler Aims for sudetenland

    Adolf Hitler is poised to invade and conquer the Sudetenland region of Czechoslovakia
  • Sudetenland and Appeasement

    Leaders of France and Great Britain meet with representatives from Germany, including Adolf Hitler, to discuss Germany's demands, ultimately granting Hitler the Sudetenland in the hopes of gaining "Peace with Honor". The Czechs are not consulted
  • Hitler Promises Peace

    Adolf Hitler, in return for the Sudetenland, promises to leave the rest of Czechoslovakia alone.
  • Kristallnacht

    During the German Kristallnacht (Night of Broken Glass), 7500 Jewish businesses are looted, 191 synagogues are set on fire nearly 100 Jews are killed, and tens of thousands are sent to concentration camps.
  • Hitler Annexes Czechoslovakia

    Adolf hitler reneges on the promise made in september of 1938 and takes all of Czechoslovakia
  • Roosevelt Writes Hitler and Mussolini

    Franklin D. Roosevelt writes letters to both Adolf hitler and Mussolini, requesting they promise not to attack a list of nations for at least ten years, they told Roosevelt that he had nothing to fear.
  • Senate Blocks Aid to Allies

    A group of U.S. Senators block the President's reques for permission to offer economic aid to Briatin and France in case of war
  • Stalin and hitler sign Nonaggression Pact

    Germany and the soviet union agree to a nonaggression pact leaving the soviets free to strengthen their western frontier, and hitler free to attack Poland
  • The Start of The Second World War

    Germany invades poland at 4:45 am after a few bombing runs from the luftwaffle weakened airfields while U-boats destroy the Polish naval forces
  • Britain and France Declare war on Germany

    Britain and France declare war on Germany hnoring their commitment to Poland. President Franklin D Roosevelt invokes the Neutrality Act but says, "Even a neutral cannot be asked to close his mind or his conscience."
  • Congress Lifts Aid Embargo

    Congress grants the request for aid to Britain and France
  • Hitler Seizes Low Countries

    Adolf Hitler takes neutral Denmark, Norway, Belgium, Holland, and luxembourg.
  • Hitler DefeatsFrance

    German fighter planes and ground troops pummel France, soon British forces retreat from France and Adolf Hitler's armies defeat French forces
  • Fleet Moved to Pearl Harbor

    President Franklin D. Roosevelt moves the United States Pacific Fleet base from San Diego to Pearl Harbor in Hawaii
  • Italy Attacks France

    Italian forces attack France from the south.
  • France Surrenders

    France, crushed, surrenders to Germany and signs an armistice
  • U.S. stops transporting gas from Japan

    The United States orders gasoline withhelf from Japan sparking protest from the Japanese government.
  • Congress Enacts Draft

    Congress enacts the first peacetime draft in American history.
  • Roosevelt Aids Britain

    Britain has traded naval bases in newFoundland, BErmuda, and sites in the Caribbean and the South Atlantic for 50 Destroyers.
  • U.S. Extends Japanese Embargo

    Now they aren't allowed to be given iron and steel
  • Japan Joins Axis

    Responding to the embargoes by joining Germany and Itally coalition.
  • Draftees to Camps

    The first draft numbers are drawn, sending thousands to drill camps all over the USA
  • Roosevelt Reelected for Third Term

    In he Presedential elections, Roosevelt wins again by nearly 5 million popular votes.
  • U.S. Cracks Japanese Code

    United States Naval Intelligence cryptographers crack Japan's secret communications code and learn that Japan intends to conquer China.
  • U.S. Seizes Axis Ships

    Franklin Roosevelt orders the United States Coast Guard to seize German ships that sail into American ports. 65 Axis ships are held in "Protective custody."
  • Robin Moor

    In the South Atlantic the American merchant ship Robin Moor is sunk by a German torpedo.
  • Axis Consulates Closed

    Franklin Roosevelt forces all German and Italian consulates in the U.S. to be closed.
  • Germany Invades Soviet Union

    Germany invaded the Soviet Union violating the Nonaggression Pact. Some estimate Hitler will take less than three months to conquer the Soviet Union
  • US Aids Soviets

    The United States extends lend-lease aid to the Soviet Union
  • US Defends Iceland

    Franklin Roosevelt announced that he will take over defense of iceland for the duration of the war.
  • Roosevelt and Churchill Draft Atlantic Charter

    Frankin Roosevelt and Winston Churchill meet to write up the Atlantic Charter.
  • End of the war

    War against the Japanese cease as 2 nuclear bombs have taken a toll on them