world war 2 timeline

  • Hitler's Rise to power

    Hitler's Rise to power
    On this date, Hitler became president of germany This gave him the power to spread his mitliaristic and anti-semetic views thoughhout Germany through the nazi party.
  • Nazi Germany invades poland:

    Nazi Germany invades poland:
    September 1, 1939, starting off war in europe. The Soviet union invaded poland and baltic nations. Great Britain and France declare war on Germany
  • Germany invades France

    Germany invades France
    Captures paris Occupying France May 10, 1940
  • Germany bomds London

    Germany bomds London
    battle of britain begins 1940-1941
  • japan bomds pearl Harbor

    japan bomds pearl Harbor
    japan bbomds pearl Harbor Desember 7, 1941 Germany declares war on the usa America declares war on japan & Germay
  • US joins

    US joins
    The US declaered war on Japan Germany declared war on the US
  • Midway

    Battle of midway June 7 1942 The USA was victorious over Japan it was the turning point in the war in the pacific giving the USA the advantage over Japan
  • Soviet Union

    Soviet Union
    June 1941 The Soviet Union defeats the Germany at Stalingrad this marks the turning point in the war in Eastern Europe
  • D-Day

    American and Allied troops landed in france it was the turning point in the war in weastern Europe USA begins to liberate
  • Atomic Bombs

    Atomic Bombs
    On the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki Forces Japan to Surrender and end WW2