World war 2

  • Japanese expanssion against China

    Japanese expanssion against China
    Manchuria was invaded and China too
  • Possesion of Ethiopia

    Possesion of Ethiopia
    Italy occupied Ethiopia, for expanding their colonial empire.
  • Spanish Civil War

    Spanish Civil War
    Italy & Germany took part in the Spanish Civil War by supporting them with weapons and soldiers
    UK& France choose not to get involved
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    Ger developed a policy of territorial expansion aimed at crating a vast empire of lands inhabited by germanic people (Third Reich)
  • Rome-Berlin Axis

    Rome-Berlin Axis
    Germany entered into the Rome-Berlin Axis alliance with Italy
  • Anti-Comiterm Pact

    Anti-Comiterm Pact
    Germany entered into the Anti-Comiterm Pact with Japan
  • Hitler violates the Treaty of Versailles

    Hitler violates the Treaty of Versailles
    Hitler violates the Treaty of Versailles by remilitarising the Rhineland
  • Ocuppation of Austria

    Ocuppation of Austria
    Germany used military force to occupy Austria (Anschluss)
  • Germany demands Czechoslovakia

    Germany demands Czechoslovakia
    In September Germany demanded Czechoslovakia hand over the Sudetenland, that was populated by a small german minority
  • Munich Conference

    Munich Conference
    Was covened by Hitler following protests by France, UK and other powers over his policy of expansionism. It ended with the democracies acepting
  • Pact of Steel

    Pact of Steel
    The Rome-Berlin Axis alliance was renewed under the name of Pact of Steel
  • Nazi-Soviet Pact

    Nazi-Soviet Pact
    To prevent the USSR from joining forces with France and Geat Britain and heleping Poland, Hitler signed the Nazi-Soviet Pact with Stallin.
  • Germany invading western Europe

    Germany invading western Europe
    Ger army invaded most of west Europe,UK was the only country to have resisted ,the germany air force bombed ports and cities(battle of Britain)
  • Battle of the Atlantic

    Battle of the Atlantic
    UK resisted the attack, Hitler was forced to abord the mission, he ordered the blockade of the British iles and began the battle of the Atlantic to cut off british supply lines.
  • Opperation Barbarossa

    Opperation Barbarossa
    Hitler launched opperation Barbarossa and attacked Russia reaching the gates of Moscow, in response the USSR joined the allied forces against axis powers
  • Jewish massacres

    Jewish massacres
    They started the jewish massacres in the USSR and eastern Europe
  • Batlle of midway and guadacanal

    Batlle of midway and guadacanal
    After USSR and US entered the conflict the war took a decessive turn.The americans stoped Japanese advances in the Pacific and started reconquering occupied territories.
  • "Final Solution"

    "Final Solution"
    The nazi leaders planned the "Final Solution" (eliminating all the jews)
  • Stalingrad

    The german assault in Stalingrad was Hitler`s first mayor failure
  • Tehran Conference

    Tehran Conference
    The three major allies (UK,US and USSR) met for the first time. They took joint military measures to speed up the end of the war. There were: Roosevelt, Stalin and Churchill
  • End of Pacific War

    End of Pacific War
    To force Japan to surrender,US president Truman decided to use the atomic bomb which was dropped on the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
  • Second Conference

    Second Conference
    Yalta. Agreed denazification & partition of Germany and Austria into 4 ocuppied zones & division of Berlin & Viena
  • Creation of the United Nations

    Creation of the United Nations
    Yalta. Organisation of democratic elections in liberal countries & creation of international peacekeeping body (UN)
  • Thrid peace conference

    Thrid peace conference
    Postdam. New leaders ( Atlee,Truman&Stalin): return all European territories annexed by Ger, dismantle military industry,persecute/punish all nazi leaders
  • Paris Conference

    Paris Conference
    Peace treaties with Germany´s others allies were drawn up
  • Treaty with Austria

    Treaty with Austria
    Was signed lately, the year the Allied occupation ended