Period: to
From the rise of dictators, to the end of World War 2
Adolf Hitler becomes leader of the German National Socialists
Benito Mussolini overthrows Italian government
Josef Stalin becomes sole dictator of Soviet Russia
Japan invades Manchuria, China
Adolf Hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany
Italy invades Ethiopia
American Congress passes the Neutrality Act
Japanese militarists control government
Adolf Hitler send troops to the Rhineland, against Treaty of Versailles
Japan increases aggression againt China
Nazis begin rounding up Jews
Germany occupies Austria
Munich Pact gets signed
Germany occupies the Sudetenland
Germany takes over the rest of Czechoslovakia
Adolf Hitler and Josef Stalin sign Non-Aggression Pact
Soviets invade Poland (east)
Britain and France declare war on Germany
Russia invades Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia
Nazis invade Poland (west)
Franklin Roosevelt gets reelected to a 3rd term of presidency
Germany invades Denmark and Norway
Germany invades Netherlands, Luxemburg and Belgium
Churchill's famous speech
France surrenders to Germany
Battle of Britain
Roosevelt and Churchill sign Lend-Lease Program
Adolf Hitler breaks Non-Aggression Pact with Stalin
Japan invades French Indochina
Atlantic Cherter, Roosevelt and Churchill outlining wargoals
Germany invades Russia
Pearl Harbor
United States declare war on Japan
Battle of the Coral Sea
Battle of Midway
Battle of Stalingrad
British troops push back Germany at El Alamein, Egypt
First U.S. troops land in Northern Africa
Zoot Suit Riots
General Dwight. D. Eisenhower defeats Erwin Rommel
Invasion of Sicily
Mussolini gets removed from office, Italy surrenders
Battle of the Bulge
Battle of Iwo Jima
Russians invade Germany
Britain invades Germany
Battle of Okinawa
President Roosevelt dies from a stroke
Adolf Hitler commits suicide, Germany surrenders
Official Victorie of the Allies, V-E Day
Atomic Bomb dropping on Hiroshima
Atomic Bomb droppping on Nagasaki
Japan officialy surrenders, V-J Day,
End of World War 2