Word of the Day Week of November 2

  • Plausible

    (adjective): seemingly true, acceptable; often implying disbelief
    Though plausible, the outbreak of the country's civil war was still debatable years after its conclusion.
  • Candor

    (noun): sharp honesty or frankness in expressing onself
    The committee member's candor was an embarrassment to the rest of the committe that he was subsequently fired.
  • Visceral

    (adjective): intuitive, instinctive, emotional, etc., rather than intellectual
    He had a visceral disdain for the corporation.
  • Fanfare

    (noun): a loud flourish of trumpets; noisy or showy display
    The executive explained with much fanfare that his business tripled in size since the previous year.
  • Foster

    (verb): to help to grow or develop; stiumlate; promote
    The couple fostered a Bulgarian child after they disocovered they couldn't have their own children.