Womens History Month

By kingc12
  • Sophie German

    Sophie German
    Sophie was born on April 1, 1776. She invented Fermat's Last Therom, but she had other things to her. In this therom she talks about exponents. Which exponents are used in equations. They are also used in Fermat's Therom.
  • Sofia Kovalevskaya

    Sofia Kovalevskaya
    Sofia Kovalevskaya was born in Russia. It started out as she found her fathers calcus papers. That inspired her to try harder at math. So she did, and went to the University of Gottingwen. Finally she began her adventure and got the theory of Differntial equations.
  • Clara Bacon

    Clara Bacon
    Clara was born in a county in Illinois. She was the first woman to receive a Ph.D in mathematics from Johns Hopkins University. She then went on to fall in love with math. She then had the idea to learn about elliptic functions p and q.
  • Virginia Ragsdale

    Virginia Ragsdale
    Virgina Ragsdale was born on a farm in N.C. just after the Civil War. As she went on to live her life she came up with the idea of an inequality. The she had something with ovals if it was even or odd, but it dealt with polynomials.
  • Marie Litzinger

    Marie Litzinger
    Marie was born in Pennsylvania in 1899. She recieved her B.A and M.A degree from Bryn Mawr College. She ended up teaching and finding out about polynominals. After all her hard work even after try for a masters she went back to the University of Chicago and got her Ph.D in 1934.
  • Gertrude Cox

    Gertrude Cox
    Gertrude was born in Iowa. She went to Iowa State University. In the process of learning she loved the theory of statistics. She then went on to major in statistics. Gertrude stated once "I majored in statistics because I liked it and because I could elect all the psychology and craft courses that I needed".
  • Dorthy McCoy

    Dorthy McCoy
    Dorthy McCoy was born in Oklahoma. She had some trouble growing up with math, but then her high school teacher Proffessior Harrel taught her and her best friend Neal how do find the square root of a number.
  • Florence David

    Florence David
    She was born in 1909. She then began the love of math, but as she moved her way up into school she began to learn more and more about statistics. Florence graduated ffron BedFord College for women. She worked in the department in statistics.
  • Mary Gray

    Mary Gray
    Mary was born in Nebraska in 1939. She had always favored math, but in high school that was her favorite. After graduating high school she then went on to gain her Ph.D at Kansas. Then after earning her Ph.D she served as the chair in the department of mathematics and statistics.
  • Nancy Reid

    Nancy Reid
    Nancy liked to work with statistics in her earlier years. Then she went on to University of Waterloo in 1954. She graduated form there with a major in statistics. Nancy is still living and is currently a Professor at the University in Toronto.