
  • Influencial leader: Betty Friedan

    Influencial leader: Betty Friedan
    betty friedanBetty Friedan wrote "The Feminine Mystique" expressing the discrimination and unfairness women experience. It became a bestseller, and is thought one of the main influences that started the second wave for women's rights movement.
  • Event 2

    Event 2
    lilly ledbetterequal pay actEqual Pay Act of 1963 was an anti-discrimination law that made it illegal to pay men and women in the same job different wages just because of gender. The Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act of 2009 restored protection against pay discrimination.
  • Event 3

    Event 3
    Civil Rights Act- Title VII (1964) This law prohibits discrimination on employyes based on race, national origin, sex, and religion. It does not allow for employment decisions to be made based off of stereotypes, prejudices, or assumptions.
  • Eqaul Rights Amendment

    Eqaul Rights Amendment
    The women in the picture is Gloria Steinem, she was a key leader in ERA. At first ERA was slowly but steadily gaining momentum, but then Phylis Schlafly; a traditional women changed that momentum.
  • Event 4

    Event 4
    eraThe ERA proposed banning discrimination based on gender. The house first passed it, but the senate did not. The senate approved it after the house reworded it. The ERA ratified in 30 states in a year, but the ratification process was too slow, because the anti-ERA came to motion.
  • Title IX; education amendment

    Title IX; education amendment
    This amendment protects discrimination based on sex in education programs or activities which recieve rederal assistance. Patsy Mink gave the title IX, and was the author of the book.
  • Event 6

    education amendmentOutlawing discrimination in education; it prohibits discrimination based on gender. It protected equal education and outlawed bias on gender.
  • Event 5

    Event 5
    roe v wade caseOutlawed a state law that banned abortions except to save the life of the mother. Mothers can now choose to have one during their first trimester.
  • Roe VS Wade

    Roe VS Wade
    Roe VS Wade happend in Texas where Jane Roe. Its was a battle to legalize abortions so women didn't have to seek black market negotiations and thus break the laws.
  • Event 8

    Event 8
    problems todaySome problems that are still around today include equal pay and some prejudices. For example, women are sometimes still paid less than men in one job. Also, prejudices still exist because of stereotypes, so this may play a role in the fact that some states have no elected women in the house of representatives or the senate.
  • Event 7

    Event 7
    achievementsThe women's movement accomplished many things, like getting women to be involved in the workforce, more education opportunities, and fought discrimination. Also, more women are getting involved in politics.