Woman's rights

  • Creation of NAWSA

    In this year in history , Alice Paul as well as Lucy Burns has joined the woman's suffrage group NAAWSA. "Paul wanted to shift NAWSA's attention away from winning voting rights for woman ... she wanted an amendment to the U.S Constitution to enfranchise woman's nationality ". (Source 5).
  • The election of 1912

    In this year of history , the election of 1912 puts the suffrage movement to national attention. By 1912 there was a large group of women now working for the presidential candidates . They were energized by the issues raised in the progressive era.
  • Suffrage parade

    On this day in history , a big parade was held on the same day as the inauguration of president Woodrow Willsom . "Band , floats, and more than 8,000 marcher participated, representing nearly every state and most occupations " (source 5). Alice Paul wanted people of the women's suffrage to pay attention to gaining more rights for woman not just voting rights.
  • Creation of the Congressional Union

    In this month of history, Alice Paul as well as Lucy Burns decides to create a new group, the Congressional Union for woman ,(CU). The Congressional Union held street meetings , distributed Pam flips ,and did more to progress woman's rights.
  • Suffrage Convention

    On this day of history , the CU sponsored a convention in Chicago for the woman in the west . The (NWP) National Women's Party emerged as a result of this conference
  • Picking the White House

    On this day the CU and NWP began the practice of protesting in front of the White House. "Everyday for the next 2months regardless of whether woman march in the line from CU headquarters to the White House "(source 5).
  • Arrests of the protesters

    On this day of history suffrage protesters began to get arrested on the charge of Obstucting traffic. " As summer progressed more arrests followed and longer prison sentences were handed down."(source 5).
  • Voting of women

    In this year of history , woman have won the right to vote only in 12 states. By 1918 woman could vote in 12 states but had made little progress on a suffrage constitution amendment.