William H. Ball Civil War Timeline

By 1151000
  • First Day in War

    First Day in War
    A day in the life of a Soldier
    William's first day in the war. In his letter he tells of his morning routine and then venturing into his first day in war. He says he will start to study law and he speaks of hiring soldiers.
  • Period: to

    William H. Ball Civil War Timeline

  • The train to the Suburbs of Racine

    The train to the Suburbs of Racine
    Racine in the Civil war
    William and his soldiers board a train to the suburbs of Racine, they march a mile to their camp site. William and the soldiers then march to the dinning hall to eat with the Dutch.
  • Stationed at Camp Utley

    Stationed at Camp Utley
    Life in Camp Utley
    William and his soldiers are stationed in their camp. They decide to set up cannons and barricades. The cannons are being tested to make sure they will fire and, and to make sure the soldiers are accurate.
  • Episcopal Church meeting

    Episcopal Church meeting
    On Christmas, William and his soldiers gather in an Episcopal Church. They listen to the sounds of beautiful instruments play as they eat their Christmas dinner, but William has to leave to take his post as a gaurd for the Church.
  • Finding Cassie

    Battle of Nashville
    Cassie is a good friend of William's, so when William is right out of nashville (where she lives), she decides to write him to ask him if he would like to come over to visit, sadely William is afraid of risking his life, so he decides aginst it.
  • Journey to Nashville

    Journey to Nashville
    Nashville tn.
    William has receved a letter from a friend asking him to meet her out is Nashville. William decides it is to risky for him to venture over to Nashville without risking his life, so he decides to stay put and will ask if she would come to him rather than him go to her.
  • Onboard the Denmark

    Onboard the Denmark
    Onboard the Denmark
    William and his soldiers board a ship named the Denmark right near Columbus, Kentucky. They brought their horses, cannons and food with them for it would be a long voyage ahead of them. William speaks of the journey they had getting to their destination.
  • William in the hospital

    William in the hospital
    Civil war hospital
    William has reported to a hospital, not for medical reasons, but so him and his soldiers can be told where to head and where to stay once they get there.
  • Applying for crops

    Applying for crops
    Crops in Civil war
    William and his soldiers apply for crops so that they will have something to thrive off of. They apply to take crops back to their camp so they would all have something to grow, sell, and eat.
  • Receaving a medal

    Receaving a medal
    Medal of Honor
    William has finally, after all his time in the war, receaved his first medal in war. He was given it by the officers and his out standing preformance in war. He truley has deserved the medal.
  • Fixing up an old town

    Fixing up an old town
    william speeks of him and the soldiers finding an old run down town. they plan to refurbish and rebuild the town to become their new temporary home. they will seak shelter in this town as well as putting their cannons in the outer boundaries in case of attack.
  • Death

    William H. Ball, at the age of 89 finally passed away. After years of service in the Military. He lived out to be an old man and died sleeping in his bed instead of on the battelfield. We all pay graditued to William and the many other soldiers since him who have risked their lives for our freedom.
  • Citations

    Citations Works Cited
    “Battle of Nashville” [“Battle of Nashville”]. http://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/battle-of-nashville-tennessee. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Jan. 2016.
    “Bing.com” [“Bing.com”]. Bing.com. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Jan. 2016.
    “Civil war” [“Civil war”]. http://civilwarhome.com/hospitalssurgeonsnurses.htm. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Jan. 2016.
    “Civil War Letters” [“Civil Wars Letters”]. Civil War Letters. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Jan. 2016. http://content.lib.auburn.edu/.
    “Cotton in the civil war” [“Cotto