What would have happened if...? Most important inventions.

  • Morphine

    If Friedrich Sertûrner hadn't discovered the Morphine; many sick people would have suffered from terrible pain for long time.
  • Electro-magnetic telegraph

    Electro-magnetic telegraph
    If Samuel Morse hadn't improved the telegraph into the electro-magnetic telegraph and hadn't created the morse code; there wouldn't have been a revolution in communications, therefore telephone, radio, television and internet would have been a dream.
  • The telephone

    The telephone
    If Alexander Graham Bell hadn't invented the telephone; it would have been difficult for people to communicate with others quickly.
  • X-rays

    If Wilhelm Conrad Rontgen hadn't discovered the X-rays; in medicine it would have been difficult to identify fractures and hidden diseases in human beings and animals.
  • First airplane

    First airplane
    If Orville and Wilbur Wright hadn't invented the first modern wing aircraft; mankind wouldn't have been able to cross continents and countries in a short time.
  • Trinity

    If the USA, Britain and Canada hadn't developed the first atomic bomb; many people wouldn't have died in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
  • The Transistor

    The Transistor
    If John Bardeen and Walter Brattain hadn't invented the transistor, there wouldn't have been a revolution in computers, controls,and communicaction
  • Solar Battery

    Solar Battery
    If Gerald Pearson, Calvin Fuller and Daryl Chapin hadn't invented the solar battery; it would have been difficult to collect energy from sun and turn it into a current of electricity to help poor families to access to electricity and improve their life quality.
  • Internet Protocol Suite

    Internet Protocol Suite
    If Vinton Cerf and Robert E. Kahn hadn't invented the internet protocol suite, mankind would have been for long using typewriters, postcards and letters to communicate. Businesses, schools and homes wouldn't have progress in the way they are nowadays.
  • Toilet Paper

    Toilet Paper
    If Sui Dynasty hadn't invented the toilet paper; it would have been awkward for people to go the restroom for the rest of their lives.