
What led to Globalization?

  • Industrial Revolution

    Industrial Revolution
    Before the Industrial Revolution, people crafted handmade goods that took long amounts of time to make in small quantities. When a ever growing population's demand and need for goods, people built large scale factories to produce larger amounts of products more efficiently that by a single person alone. With these factories, bigger and more complicated machinery could be produced.
  • Creation of the Locomotive

    Creation of the Locomotive
    Once people started outputting huge amounts of goods to be sold to long distances, they needed better means of transportation that a horse and buggy. James Watt had expanded upon the steam engine to make it viable for large vehicles.Matthew Murray built one of the first steam engine trains with a version of his design. The first large scale railway system was built in the United Kingdom in 1804.
  • Invention of the Camera

    Invention of the Camera
    Between 1826-1827, Nicéphore Niépce had been experimenting with a phenomena known as "camera obscura", in which a dark room is only illuminated with a small hole in a wall. Niépce used a pewter plate in with the camera obscura to expose an image onto the plate. He was one of the first people to make an exposure photograph. Once people expanded upon the designs, people could share realistic photos of anywhere around the world to see how other places looked and how people lived in real time
  • Invention of the Television

    Invention of the Television
    Before electric T.V.'s people made a primitive version of them using a rotating disk with holes in a spiral pattern that shined light through the holes to make a picture. In 1927 Philo Taylor Farnsworth had used a cathode ray tube (CRT) to project an image onto a screen. These electric T.V.'s were superior to their mechanical counterparts. Once T.V.s and stations were produced, people could watch shows from across the country. Eventually, people would be able to see occurrences around the world.
  • World War II

    World War II
    In 1939, German Nazi forces had invaded Poland in order to gain more territory in Europe. Poland had made alliances with England to help them if they were attacked. England and France both declared war on Germany. Those allied with either side were dragged into the fray. The war cost around 40-50 million deaths worldwide. Everybody involved wanted to make sure nothing like this ever happened again, to spare them all of the bloody consequences.
  • Creation of the United Nations

    Creation of the United Nations
    On October 24, 1945, 51 countries met in San Francisco to create the Charter of the United Nations. The charter put forth the blueprints for International Economic Council, an International Court of Justice, a Trustee Council to oversee territorial discussion, and a permanent military office. These councils and concepts would bring the U.N.'s members closer in an ever dividing world.
  • Creation of the Internet

    Creation of the Internet
    The first "draft" of what we would know to be as the internet was with ARPNET. This network was programmed by the U.S. Dept. of Defence. The government wanted multiple computers to be able to communicate with each other without a physical connection. On January 1st, 1983, ARPNET began to become available to more people, mostly in businesses. Only in the 90's did the internet become commercial for personal use. People could share information to the other side of the world at the click of a button
  • Creation of Facebook

    Creation of Facebook
    On February 4th, 2004, Mark Zuckerberg launched his new social media site, Facebook, into the world. At first, it was only used by universities but then expanded to high schools shortly after. After 4 years, Facebook had gained over 100 million users and today it is almost 1.8 billion users. The fact that such a seemingly simple website could bring an overwhelming amount of people in one place and common area is remarkable and horrifying to think about.