Westward expansion

Westward Expansion

  • Louisiana Purchase

    Louisiana Purchase
    The Louisiana Purchase is a law passed in 1803.This law is about how the Louisiana territory was acquired. This law was then disestablished on October 1, 1804. It was acquired by the United States from France.
  • Lewis and Clark Expedition

    Lewis and Clark Expedition
    This was the first expedition to cross the western portion of the U.S. This compromised a selected group of U.S army volunteers under the command of the captain and his close friend. The objective was to explore newly acquired territory, to study to, and find a route across.
  • Trail Of Tears

    Trail Of Tears
    The Cherokee was forced into marching from the east coast to Oklahoma. During this process, many people died along the way. Some of the reason they died were either from hunger, exposure, or diseases.
  • California Gold Rush

    This began when James W. Marshall found gold. The gold also attracted about 300,000 people to California.The California Gold Rush also had some effects. Some effects were that San Francisco went from a small settlement to a boomtown and roads, churches, and schools were built all throughout California. Later on, California became a state as part of the compromise of 1850.
  • The Kansas-Nebraska Act

    The Kansas-Nebraska Act
    This act created the territories of Nebraska and Kansas. The purpose was to open new farms and to make feasible a Midwestern Transcontinental Railroad. They also discussed if it was going to be a free or slave state.
  • The Homestead Act

    The Homestead Act
    The homestead act wasa law that was passed in 1862. This act gave ownership of land, typically called homestead,to those paid a small fee and promised to take care of the land. The owner got 160 acres of land to be exact. Later on, many different acts were passed. Some of the laws were the Southern Homestead Act, the Timber Culture Act, and many more.
  • Civil War Ends

    Civil War Ends
    When the southern states decided to secede they made their own country called the Confederate States. The north was called Union to symbolize what they wanted. The southern states wanted to leave because they were worried that as the U.S. expanded they would lose power. The south was selfish so they wanted more power and to have their own laws. They were als worried they would abolish slavery in every state.The Union won the war and remains the bloodiest wars.
  • Buffalo Soldiers

    Buffalo Soldiers
    They were African American soldiers and were also members of the U.S. Cavalry. They served on the western frontier, mainly protecting the settlers moving to the west and help building infrastructure, such as roads, bridges, buildings, and more. Their other main charge was to support expansion in the west. These buffalo soldiers also fought in the civil war.
  • The Transcontinental Railroad Complete

    The Transcontinental Railroad Complete
    The railroad went from the East coast to the West coast in 1,776 miles. Their were two man routes called the central route and the southern route. Many of the workers were Irish laborers or Chinese immigrants. The two routes met in Utah. This helped transport fresher good which brought more money. This also allowed new towns to be built along the track lines and brought many immigrants.
  • Cheif Joseph Surrendered

    Cheif Joseph Surrendered
    Chief joseph loved his homeland, his people, and peace. After all this, he was tired of running from the U.S. army. He was also the leader of Nez Perce. During his time, he gave many speeches and wrote about his thoughts and his interest to Manifest Destiny.