Western European Timeline

  • 476

    Fall of Roman Empire

    Since Romulus Augustulus did not enforce rules and did not take care of his Empire, the Roman Empire lost strength, a good economy, and had religious changes. The fall was caused by German Barbarians. http://www.ushistory.org/civ/6f.asp
  • 476

    The Middle Ages

    Also known as Dark Ages. It began with the fall of the Roman Empire and lasted until the start of The Renaissance. Nothing progressed during this thousand year timeline and on top of that, it held the Black Death. https://www.history.com/topics/middle-ages
  • Period: 1095 to 1291


    The Crusades were a series of religious wars in the medieval period created by the latin church. These crusades were fought for many reasons whether it being territorial gain or political advantage. These wars were surprisingly bloody and gruesome as they fought for the gain of land. https://www.history.com/topics/crusades
  • Period: 1300 to

    The Renaissance

    The Renaissance was classified as an advance in an art period. Between these dates, Europe experienced social, economic, and cultural change. It involved new creative ideas and innovation. http://www.skwirk.com/p-c_s-56_u-422_t-1105_c-4271/wa/sose-history/renaissance-and-reformation/renaissance-in-europe/introduction-what-was-the-renaissance-
  • Period: 1517 to

    Protestant Reformation

    Was a religious and political organization for the beliefs that would define the modern era. Many people such as John Calvin and Martin Luther argued for different a way for power to be given into the hands of the bible. This caused the so called Counter-Reformation. https://www.history.com/topics/reformation
  • Period: to

    The Age of Enlightenment

    This involved many great ideas which added reason to humanity. They were formed together to fit a worldwide view that gained high popularity earning the name The Age Of Enlightenment. https://www.britannica.com/event/Enlightenment-European-history
  • Industrial Revolution

    The Industrial Revolution was a time in the 18th century when the whole world started using machines to do work instead of paying people more money to make the same things. The Industrial Revolution transitioned our world into a new era. They used steam power, built factories, and and developed new and improved ways to do things with the help of machinery. https://www.history.com/topics/industrial-revolution
  • Period: to

    French Revolution

    This was a social and political upheaval in France and its colonies. The revolution overthrew the monarchy and finally rested in a dictatorship under Napoleon's rule. This not only affected France, as it affected the whole world and is regarded as one of the most important results in human history. https://www.history.com/topics/french-revolution
  • Period: to

    World War I

    A global war originating in Europe involving every nation and country in the world. This was between the Allied powers and Central powers. This was where Treaty of Versailles blamed germany and demanded reparations be paid. http://aenet.esuhsd.org/citizenship_lessons/connie/wwI_q.html
  • Period: to

    World War II

    The nations and countries involved were either on the Axis powers side or the Allied powers side. This was the worst of the two World Wars. It involved more than million people from over 30 countries and had over 80 million fatalities. It included the Holocaust, starvation, and disease. https://www.history.com/topics/world-war-ii
  • Period: to

    Cold War

    A global rise of tension after World War II with the United States, NATO, and some allies. There was no large scale fighting between the two sides but they both supported things called proxy wars which were wars that were funded by major intelligences but they never got involved. https://www.history.com/topics/cold-war/cold-war-history
  • NATO

    NATO is an organization dedicated to have good relations between some European and North American countries. The people and countries involved in this organization stand up for one another. Basically you hurt them, we hurt you. https://www.nato.int/nato-welcome/index.html#basic
  • Warsaw Pact

    The Warsaw Pact was a defense treaty signed in Warsaw, Poland between the Soviet Union and seven Soviet following states during the cold war. The Warsaw Pact was put in place for a balance of power and friendship between some countries. https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/the-warsaw-pact-is-formed
  • Fall of Berlin Wall

    When the head of the East Berlin Communist Party announced citizens may come and go as they please disregarding the wall, many were overwhelmed with joy and crossed into west Berlin whereas some took hammers and pix axes to the wall and chipped it down. https://www.history.com/topics/cold-war/berlin-wall
  • Collapse of Soviet Union

    Was a religious and political organization for the beliefs that would define the modern era. Many people such as John Calvin and Martin Luther argued for different a way for power to be given into the hands of the bible. This caused the so called Counter-Reformation. https://www.history.com/topics/reformation
  • Creation of European Union

    The creation of the European Union happened on November 1, 1993 because of the Maastricht Treaty. The European Union symbolizes a “political and economic union between European countries.” The Union was not created overnight, it happened in a gradual increase. https://www.thoughtco.com/the-history-of-the-european-union-1221595