Hindenburg the disaster

Weimar Germany Timeline

  • Revolution of 1918 and Abdication of Wilhelm II

    Revolution of 1918 and Abdication of Wilhelm II
    This image depicts Kaiser Wilhelm II, the final German kaiser. He is relevant to the Revolution of 1918 as he represents the monarchy against which the German public had turned.
  • Ebert-Groener Pact

    Ebert-Groener Pact
    This picture is relevant as it illustrates a consequence of the Ebert-Groener Pact; that is, that the military and freikorps are willing to protect Weimar democracy amid uprisings.
  • Armistice Ending WWI

    Armistice Ending WWI
    This image is a newspaper article stating that Germany agrees to negotiate peace upon President Wilson's initial proposal of his 14 Points, illustrating one impulse behind the armistice.
  • Spartacist Revolt

    Spartacist Revolt
    The corresponding image is the flag of the Spartacus League, relevant to the Spartacist Revolt in that it represents the Spartacists, a major proponent of the uprising.
  • Bavarian Soviet Republic is Declared

    Bavarian Soviet Republic is Declared
    This image represents the territory informally claimed by the extralegal Bavarian Soviet Republic, showing how it ambitiously encompassed Bavaria despite its lack of longevity.
  • Treaty of Versailles and the Results for Germany

    Treaty of Versailles and the Results for Germany
    This image was selected because of the perspective it reflects - from left to right, there is David Lloyd George (Britain), Vittorio Orlando (Italy), Georges Clemenceau (France), and Woodrow Wilson (US). Often referred to as the "Big Four," they had the most influence over the results of the Treaty of Versailles, whereas Germany was not included and were forced to sign it under allied threat of military annihilation.
  • Ratification of Weimar Constitution

    Ratification of Weimar Constitution
    The accompanying image illustrates strengths and weaknesses of the Weimar Constitution, showing how while the Weimar Republic had some foundations of a strong democracy, it also had foundational weaknesses that endangered it.
  • Kapp Putsch

    Kapp Putsch
    The image represents a demonstration against the Kapp Putsch. The image was chosen because it reflects the nuanced perspective of governing in Germany - while the Freikorps were attempting to re-create a Kaiser-led government, many of the people they were governing opposed such a style of government. In consequence, the coup failed in the first few days because they lacked the support to achieve such a style of government.
  • (Red) Ruhr Uprising

    (Red) Ruhr Uprising
    The image is of members of the Reichswehr, who are sitting above members of the Red Ruhr Army who had been shot. This image was chosen because it demonstrates the significance of the political unrest at the time. The Ruhr Uprising was a far-left response to the far-right attacks in the Kapp Putsch, which demonstrates how politically polarized Germany's population had become, to the point of violence.
  • Treaty of Rapallo

    Treaty of Rapallo
    The image represents representatives from Germany and Russia at the negotiations for the Treaty of Rapallo. It reflects the consequences of Germany being withheld from the League of Nations and the consequences of the Treaty of Versailles in which Germany chose to befriend Russia (despite many Germans' fear of communism).
  • Weimar Golden Age

    Weimar Golden Age
    Reason for the picture chosen is due to the time of Weimar flourishing throughout the economy. It eased economic pressure on Germany in addition to improved foreign relations, which economy and cultural life flourished in Germany until 1929.
  • Hyper-Inflation crisis in Germany

    Hyper-Inflation crisis in Germany
    This picture shows a German person in 1923 using banknotes as wallpaper. By the end of 1923 a single US dollar was worth more than 1 trillion banknotes. This image was used because it reflects the consequence of hyper-inflation in Germany, to where Germany's money was so worthless that Germans were using Bank notes for their material value rather than monetary value.
  • France and Belgium occupy the Ruhr

    France and Belgium occupy the Ruhr
    This photo below represents the military (from France and Belgium) in the Ruhr. It reflects how societal dynamics can change in times of civil unrest, with the elderly man looking inquisitively at the soldier.
  • The Grand Coalition of Weimar Germany

    The Grand Coalition of Weimar Germany
    The image shows those who were involved in the Grand Coalition. Gustav Stresemann can be clearly identified. His role in the coalition is ultimately what caused the coalition to be able to solve the hyperinflation crisis.
  • Introduction of Rentenmark

    Introduction of Rentenmark
    Reason picture was chosen is due to the role of currency that was issued on October 15, 1923 in order to stop hyperinflation and replace the Reichstag inputted by Gustav Stresemann.
  • Beer Hall Putsch

    Beer Hall Putsch
    Image was chosen due to the uprising and frustration portrayed throughout the chaos that took place November 8, 1923 to November 9, 1923, that was an attempted coup d’état directed by Hitler, which was a failure.
  • Dawes Plan

    Dawes Plan
    Reason for this image is due to the reparation payments which afterwards was preparations of amounts received vs. amounts promised in1924 as a plan that resolved reparation payments that Germany inquired from WW1 putting end to a crisis in European diplomacy from WW1 as well as the Treaty of Versailles.
  • Election of President von Hindenburg

    Election of President von Hindenburg
    Reason for image chosen is due to the election and popularity differences of opposing parties. That won candidates by independent city and district in the second round of voting to be elected as the second president in Germany with Paul bon Hindenburg in the lead.
  • Locarno Treaty

    Locarno Treaty
    This image depicts foreign affairs authorities Stresemann, Briand, and Chamberlain agreeing on the Locarno Treaty, showing the formal cooperation between the countries while also showing France's lasting contempt for Germany through the boxing glove.
  • Treaty of Berlin with the Soviet Union

    Treaty of Berlin with the Soviet Union
    The photo was chosen because both Gustav Stresemann and Joseph Stalin are seen delegating the Treaty of Berlin, with Stresemann looking as though he's signing it. This illustrates the alliance between these two important leaders.
  • Germany Enters the League of Nations

    Germany Enters the League of Nations
    The newspaper from the New York Times illustrates that Germany's entrance into the League was an international celebration as it created the belief that Germany would remain at peace.
  • The Young Plan

    The Young Plan
    The diagram simplistically shows how the young plan benefitted all nations involved in war payments as it created a flow of money.
  • The Great Depression Begins

    The Great Depression Begins
    The image was a propaganda poster that reads "Our Last Hope, Hitler." This poster was used during the depression and targeted the newly unemployed to vote Hitler in the presidential election. This shows how Hitler was able to use the great depression as an advantage for his rise in power.
  • The Von Papen Deal

    The Von Papen Deal
    The image shows Von Papen and Hitler conversing with each other, assumingly after Hitler becomes Chancellor. This image displays their partnership that had begun with the Von Papen deal that ultimately benefited them.
  • Hitler Becomes Chancellor

    Hitler Becomes Chancellor
    The image illustrates the beginning of Hitler's dictatorship as he is being sworn into chancellorship. What's significant about the image is that it shows President Von Hindenburg swearing him in, thus showing that Hindenburg was ultimately the one that opened Hitler to his dictatorship.