Week 2

  • Period: to

    The Revolution

    -Focused on women's rights and women's suffrage
    -Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton both were publisher and editor
    -They established the revolution during a period when a spilt was developing within the woman's right movement
    -Together they provided leadership for ending slavery in the U.S. in 1865
    -Women's rights movement had greatly reduced its act during civil war
  • Women's Christian Temperance Union

    -The purpose of WCTU was to combat the influence of alcohol in families and society
    -Frances Willard became president of the WCTU and turned to organizing political means in addition to moral persuasian to achieve total abstinence
    -The issue was seen in society as moral issue to create prohibition throughout the nation
  • Period: to

    Harsh Working Conditions

    -Children as young as 6 years old worked hard hours for little or no pay
    -Women mostly found jobs in domestic service, textile factories, and piece work shops
    -Children sometimes worked up to 19 hours with one break
    -Women were payed half of what men were payed and children were payed a third of what men were payed
    -Worked in dangerous temperatures and conditions
    -If one got their arm or hand cut off they lost their job
  • Assassination of President James Garfield

    --Shot came from 44 british bulldog which the assassin Chailes J. Guiteau, had purchased specifically because he thought it would look impressive in a museum
    -He had killed Garfield because of the president's refusal to appoint him to a European consulship
    -The assassin was known around washington as an emotionally disturbed man
    -He was convicted
  • Pendleton Act of 1883

    -Provided the Federal gov jobs be awarded on the basis of merit & be selected through competitive exams
    -in 1881 a mentally unstable man assassinated James A. Garfield in protest against not obtaining a government job. The publics reaction caused president Arthur to introduced this law
    -Patronage system: practice where after winning an election, gives government job to its supporters/friends
    -Merit system: process of promoting & hiring government employees based on their ability to perform
  • Interstate Commerce Act of 1887

    -The act created a federal regulatory system, which it charged with monitoring railroads to ensure that they complied with the new regulations
    -First law to regulate private industry in the U.S.
    -The power of the act is to the railroads rates to be "reasonable and just"
    -Interstate commerce a commission enforce the regulation and investigate allegations of fraud, deception and discrimination
  • Interstate Commerce Act

    -United States federal law that was designed to regulate the railroad industry particularly is monopolistic practices
    -First law to regulate private industry in the U.S.
    -The power of the act is to the railroad rate be "reasonable and just"
  • Sherman Anti-trust Act

    -Was the first federal act that outlawed monopolistic business practices
    -The Sherman Anti-trust Act of 1890 was the first measure passed by the U.S. congress to prohibit
    -Trusts: arrangement stockholders and transferred there to people
    -Rockerfeller was the standard oil and felt pressure from the government simply reorganized into single corporation
    -And eventually the government stopped trying to enforced the Sherman act and consolidation of businesses continued
  • Period: to

    The Progressieve Era

    -The progressive era was a time of social and political reforms during which corruption and social differences were exposed, many changes were made to American society
    -Progressive era was a time of reform such as initiative and vote
  • Red Record

    -Ida B. Wells, the co-founder of the NAACP wrote the red record
    -The central topic of this pamphlet was to inform everyone on how black people were being treated, for example some would get lynched, some of the states treated them horribly. Such as Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi, South Carolina and Texas
    -The red record's effect on society was the states began recognizing the seriousness of the subject and began taking action
  • Plessy Vs Ferguson

    -Law case of the U.S. supreme court it upheld state racial segregation laws for public facilities under the doctrine of "separate but equal"
    -"Separate but equal" did not violate the 14th amendment to the U.S. constitution in 1868, which guaranteed equal protection under the law to all citizens
    -The expression most often referred to the legally or socially enforce separation African Americans f/ other races, but also applied the general discrimination against people of color by white communities
  • Discovery of gold in the Klondike region

    -The Klondike gold rush was an event of migration by an estimated 100,000 people prospecting to the Klondike region of North-Western Canada only 30,000 actually made it to the Klondike
    -Gold was discovered in many deposits along the Klondike River
    -Newspaper created a hysteria that was nationwide and many people quit their jobs and then left for the Klondike to become gold didggers
    -Many did not find gold, many made money off the hardware store selling to the prospectors
  • Period: to

    Muckraker Journalism

    -Muckraker journalism was one of the magazine journalist who exposed the corrupt side of business and public life in the early 1900s
    -Journalists described immigrant ghettos and poor living conditions of tenement housing
    -Muckraker condemned exploitation of child labor and white slave traffic in women
    -They exposed Rockefeller oil industry and his monopolist ways
    -Authors the upton sinclair exposed the meat packaging industry which led to the meat packing act and pure drug and food act
  • The Jungle

    -Written by muckracking journalists Upton Sinclair
    -Focus was the human condition in the stockyards of Chicago and to exploit the labor of men and women for profit
    -Magnified the sickening conditions of the meat packing industry
    -As result of making the public aware of the filthy and dangerous conditions, each local gov passed its own set of health codes as well as the meat inspection and the pure food and drug act
  • Pure Food and Drug Act

    -Prevented the manufacture or sale of gross misbranded or poisonous food, drugs or medicines
    -Was the first of many consumer protection acts
    -Law required labeling of any drugs that are addictive including alcohol, morphine, opium, and cannabis
    -Cause coca-cola to replace the cocaine in their product with caffeine
    -Muckracking journalists brought these crimes to the public eye
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    Social Gospel

    -Settlement houses like the hull house w/ Jane Addams and religious groups helped start the social gospel movement
    -They believed that churches had a duty to solve society's problems and preached salvation through service to the poor
    -They were criticized by others, believed that social gospel movement, because they did not believe their reforms copuld help
    -The progressive era, inspired even more reform acts for example the "young mens christian association" (YMCA) and the inspiration of WTCU
  • Period: to

    Populist ("People's") Party

    -Purpose was to increase in the money supply to help for farmers and workers
    -Mainly towards struggling farmers and the desperate laborers
    -Movement is associated with granger (the farmer's movement)
    -The populists programs eventually became the platform of the democratic party and kept alive the concept that the government is responsible for reforming social injustices
    -James B. Weaver was the populist candidate for president, that year he pulled over 1,041,000

    -National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, an organization founded in 1909 to promote full racial equality
    -Had over 6,000 members
    -Aimed for nothing less than full equality among the races
    -W.E.B. Du Bois in 1909 Web Du helped establish the NAACP
    -2 presidents who followed Roosevelt Alsa did little to advance the goal of racial equality
  • 16th Amendment

    -Allows congress to levy an income tax on the people
    -Its biggest effect was it shifted the balance of power toward the federal gov and away from the states
    -Progressive: favoring or advocating progress or change
    -Revenue: collective items of income of a person, state, etc
    -Tariff: tax or duty to be paid
  • 17th Amendment

    -Direct election
    -The senate of the U.S. shall be composed of 2 senators from each state, elected by the people thereof, for 6 years; and each senator shall have one vote
    -Changed the theory about who senators represented, shifting the focus from state govs, to the residents of the states
    -Direct Election: system of choosing political officeholders in which the voters directly cast ballots for the person
  • Period: to

    Bull Moose Party

    -The founder of the Bull Moose is Theodore Roosevelt
    -He was defeated in the republic primaries and woke off
    -The party educated women suffrage, work mens comp, eight hour workdays, a minimum wage for women, federal law against child labor and federal trade
  • Federal Reserve Act

    -Cause by the need to strengthen how banks were run and quickly adjust amount of money in circulation and have enough money supply to keep up with the economy
    --Gave 12 federal reserve banks the ability to print money in order to ensure economic stability
    -Helped create the federal reserve system and centralized banking known as bankersbank
    -Made the value of the U.S. dollar stronger by influencing the economy
  • 18th Amendment

    -Caused by widespread belief that the consumption of alcohol was deteriorating Americans' health and causing criminal activities
    -Established the prohibition of alcoholic beverages in the U.S. by declaring the production, transport, and sale of alcohol illegal
    -Instead of reducing crime it created massive organized crime movements
  • 18th Amendment (definitions)

    Temperance: restraint from drinking
    Prohibition: nationwide ban of alcohol
    Speakeasy: illicit establishment that sells alcoholic beverages
    Flapper: young western women in 1920s who wore short skirts, bobbed their hair, listened to jazz, and flaunted their unacceptable behavior
  • 19th Amendment

    -Women wanted equality
    -Granted American women the right to vote - a right known as suffrage
    -Helped women move closer to equality in all aspects od American life
    -Women advocated for jobs, fairer wages, education, sex education, and birth control