Week 4, Assignment #8

  • Eugene V. Debs (DOB)

    -socialist leader
    -received 6% of votes against three other presidential candidates-> highest total ever
    -believed socialism was answer to workers' problems
  • Chinese Exclusion Act

    -prohibited all immigration of Chinese laborers
    -important because it was first Chinese law passed that restricted immigration into United States
  • Sinking of the Lusitania

    -German boat sunk British ocean liner, RMS Lusitania going from New York to England
    -important because it led America to declare war against Germany
  • Zimmerman Telegram

    -secret diplomatic communication device the proposed military alliance between Germany and Mexico because the United States entered WWI against Germany
    -important because it pushed the United States closer to starting war with Germany
  • Sedition Act

    -made it a crime to write anything negative about the United States form of government, which violates 1st amendment
    -important because it enhanced Jeffersonian's power, even though it was designed for the opposite reason
  • 18th amendment

    -prohibited selling and transportation of alcohol
    -important because it was the only amendment to be repealed by another amendment
  • 19th amendment

    -women get right to vote
    -importance is self-explanatory; without this, women would not have right to vote
  • Immigration Act of 1924

    -limited number of annual immigrants allowed into the United States to 2% of people from that country who were already living in the United States since 1890
    -completely changed patterns of immigration
  • John Scopes - The Monkey Trial

    -Scopes accused of teaching theory of evolution in school, which violated Tennessee state law
  • 20th amendment

    -stated who succeeded president if president dies
    -set dates when federal government elected office end
    -important because it tried to eliminate Lame Duck presidents and legislators
    -important because it failed
  • 21st amendment

    -repealed 18th amendment
    -important because it was only amendment to repeal another amendment
  • Red Scare (1940s and 1950s)

    -fear of the potential rise of communism, anarchism, or radical leftism
    -showed fear leading to violations of individual rights
  • Jim Crow Laws (1877-1950s)

    -enforced racial segregation in South -important because it prevented anyone illiterate or African-American to vote