Book Thief & WW2 Timeline

  • Seeking a Place to Stay

    Refuge is found for Liesel. "[Liesel's mother] was not delivering her children to the higher echelons of Munich but a foster home had apparently been found, and if nothing else, the new family could at least feed the girl (Zusak 80)."
  • Protecting The Children

    "The plan was put into action in September 1939. About 800,000 children left their homes.Others stayed in the countryside for the rest of the war." This mirrors and illustrates the journey Liesel takes a part of from the beginning of the book.
  • The Foundation That Granted Power

    "Adolph Hitler was able to convince the German people to give him the power to improve conditions in Germany and restore the country’s strength and dignity. He vowed to tear up the Treaty of Versailles." This is relevant because it shows how Hitler rose to power and gives insight as to how some may feel in Molching.
  • The Town Celebrates Hitler

    "Molching. . . was in the grip of preparing for Hitler's birthday, this particular year, current victorious position, the Nazi partisans of Molching want the celebration to befitting(Zusak 218)."
  • Jewish Treatment

    "[Systematic operations were implemented] where Jews would be either instantly killed or worked to death." This traces back to the Jewish torture experience through marching.
  • Jewish March in Molching

    "[The Jews] were marched back to camp, slow and tired, defeated (Zusak 976)."
  • The End in Close Proximity

    "In Molching, they came with the bombs (Zusak 1033)." This piece speaks of the moments in which the town where Liesel lives is being bombed and death comes to take characters that have been developed throughout the entire novel.
  • Bombing Campaign

    "The firestorm that resulted was visible for two hundred miles. Approximately one hundred thousand Germans, mostly civilians, were killed-the largest loss of life in a single day up to that point of the 20th century." This statement goes to show the severity and effects of the bombing raids executed against Germany which Molching also experienced in the novel.