We didn't start the fire Time toast events

  • John D. Rockefeller

    He was a business entrepreneur and a philanthropist who made an extreme amount of money by making a big monopoly
  • Albert Einstien

    Man that was a science genius,
    found out that E = mc2
  • Pasternak

    Russian poet and writer, creator of My Sister, Life
  • Pope Paul

    Known as one of the more progressive popes that focused on uniting all people, peace, and social justice.
  • Birth Control

    Women started the Birth Control Movement to address their rights and sexual freedoms.
  • Joseph Stalin

    he was leader of soviet, and a activist for developing communism and weapons
  • Malcom X

    human and civil rights activist that protested for Black empowerment and Islam
  • Buddy Holly

    An American song writer and composer that inspired many Americans with his lyrical genius
  • Ho Chi Minh

    He was president of North Vietnam from 1945-1969 but led the struggle for Vietnamese independence from the French, Viet Minh was forced in 1941 thanks to Ho Chi Minh.
  • Harry Truman

    33rd president of the united states of America he briefly served under Roosevelt
  • Communism

    A society where the ideals are that they share everything in economics and property, much different than the capitalist system in America
  • North Korea

    Democratic People's Republic of Korea, is located in East Asia
  • Red China,

    Chinese civil war fought by the Kuomintang-led government of the Republic of China vs the Chinese Communist party, Red China refers to the areas that the Chinese Community Party held.
  • H bomb

    Called the hydrogen bomb was made in the cold war and temporarily gave an advantage to the US, was discontinued by 1957
  • Dwight David Eisenhower President

    An American officer and general that became the 34th President of the United states
  • Peter Pan

    A young boy who is adventurous and can fly and explore the world, created by J. M. Barrie
  • Little Rock 9

    The first 9 teens to attend a former whites school (attended after segregation was ruled illegal), which was Little Rock Central High School, they were met with mass hostility.
  • Sputnik

    First artificial space satellite launched by the soviets, it worked as a radio for 3 weeks before its battery ran out
  • Space monkey

    A female monkey named Able, was sent to space in an Army experiment to see the biological effects of space travel.
  • Bay of Pigs invasion

    A failed attempt to overthrow Fidel Castro, by sending Cuban exiles to the bay of pigs, this was financed and led by the us government
  • Lawrence of Arabia

    With this film, Lawrence was able to gain enough influence to have Arabian leaders Feisal and Abdullah I support Britain.
  • JFK Assassination

    JFK Assassination
    The 35th president of the united states, John F Kennedy was assasinated by a sniper while greeting the people of Dallas Texas in his convertible
  • Richard Nixon

    the 37th us president that went through a lot of scandals and controversy and said the famous "I am not a crook" line
  • Watergate

    The scandal that involved Nixon of bugging political opponents offices and trying to cover it up
  • Fidel Castro Presidency

    He was a leader for Cuban socialism and anti imperialism, he wanted independence from American hegemony
  • Cola War

    A long battle between the two soda giants, Coca-cola and Pepsi to see who could beat the other soda in terms of market share and sales
  • AIDS

    Sexually transmitted disease, it brought discrimination against homosexual community and led to various deaths in the US and around the world.
  • Terror on the Airline

    Hijacking of TWA Flight 847,
  • Palestine Establishment

    State of Palestine, is a recognized state by the united nations that shares borders with Israel.
  • Ronald Reagan

    the 40th US president, known for his economic and criminal justice focus, his plan of fixing the financial status of America was nick named Reaganomics