Water seeker novel cover


  • Bittersweet Creek

    Bittersweet Creek
    Jake is known as the dowser. In Jake's free time, Jake loves to go trapping. He is married to a girl named Delilah. Jake rescued Delilah from her abusive father. Delilah dies giving birth to Amos.
  • Bittersweet Creek and Pretty Water

    Bittersweet Creek and Pretty Water
    Jake comes home from trapping one day and finds his baby boy, Amos. He's looking around for Delilah and sees a cross in place of his hiding spot for money. Jake finds out Delilah has passed away, and now he is left with a son. Jake wants to go live with his brother Gil at a place called "Pretty Water." Not only does Jake have to travel 200 miles to Pretty Water, he has to take care of Amos too.
  • Mission At Pretty Water

    Mission At Pretty Water
    Gil and Rebecca started the mission a year earlier. Rebecca had a romantic vision working side by side ministering, baptizing,and teaching the Otoe. Gil refused to trade Whiskey with the Otoe when they came to worship services. One day, the Otoe decided not to come, so the church was empty. Jake, Amo's father, decides to bring Amos to the missionary. Also, Amos means a lot to Rebecca since she can't have any children of her own.
  • Mission at Pretty Water

    Mission at Pretty Water
    It is 1839 a the mission in Pretty Water. Amos is now 6 years old, living with Jake's brother Gil and his wife Rebecca. Jake stops by every summer after trapping just to see Amos. Rebecca teaches Amos in their school house they built, while Gil teaches Amos the bible verses. When Jake was at pretty Water, he was teaching Amos how to dowse. When the day was over Amos grabbed the dowsing stick, and felt quivers in his hand and body. Jake isn't the only one with the talent, Amos has the gift too.
  • Path to Bittersweet Creek

    Path to Bittersweet Creek
    They are halfway through their journey to Bittersweet Creek. Blue Owl notices that Amos has blisters, so she makes moccasins for him. Blue Owl was dissapointed when they arrived at Bittersweet Creek, because she wasn't fond of the people who lived there. Also, she didn't like the dirt floor, she would rather have had wood. Blue Owl sees Amos's mother's spirit, and isn't scared by it at all.
  • Independence

    In the spring of 1842, Jake caught up on his special talent for dowsing. Blue Owl, Jake, and Amos have left Bittersweet Creek to go to Independence. Amos asks his dad if $300 is enough money to make a man rich. Jake tells Amos no, but Amos knows he will be rich one day. Jake still doesn't know Amos has the money.