Watergate Scandal (ASH)

  • Nixon Elected President

    Richard Nixon is elected president running on an anti-war ballad, and promising to get America out of the war.
  • Nixon Escalates War

    Nixon starts bombing sanctuaries in Cambodia and Laos. American public upset.
  • Daniel Ellsberg Starts Sending Pentagon Documents to the NY Times

    Ellsberg begins to send confidential Pentagon documents to the NY Times. These documents are printed by the NY Times. Ellsberg's actions are illegal, but is never convicted. Documents were about failed policies on the war, that the public didn't truly know much about.
  • CREEP is Implemented to Re-elect Nixon

    The organization was a fundraising committee for Nixon, but is connected with the Watergate scandal, and also laundered money and created a slush fund.
  • Nixon Puts Together Enemies List

    Nixon creates a list of enemies to discredit. Daniel Ellsburg is a key person on the list.
  • Nixon Puts Together a Group Called the "Plumbers"

    The "Plumbers", also known as the "White House Plumbers", was a small group of people to sabotage opponents of Nixon. They went to the psychiatrist of Ellsberg and trashed the office. Nixon's advisors decided that the had to do something that was legal, and the "Plumbers" were replaced with covert operations.
  • Sabotaging of Democratic Political Campaigns Begins

    "Plumbers" attempt to break into the Watergate Complex, where the Democrat's offices are. On May 25, they are unsuccessful, and again on the 27th. On May 28, they successfully breaking into the Democratic Offices and set up three wire taps, and take photos of campaign contributor documents.
  • Watergate Burglars Captured

    The five burglars of the DNC at the Watergate Complex were caught. Many thought that they were connected to the CIA, but the CIA refutes this. Even the White House tries to blame the CIA.
  • Reporter Finds a Connection Between Watergate Burglaries and the White House

    Bob Woodward discovers the connection between the White House and the burglaries. He finds that Hunt is in the address book of two of the burglars, and that he works at the White House. After they find this connection they did deeper and find that Campaign funds were used to pay-off the burglars in order to keep them quiet (obstruction of justice).
  • Nixon Elected President

    Nixon won all but one state: Massachusetts. Even the Watergate Robbery had already taken place, it had not yet been attachted to the Nixon and the White House.
  • Congress Starts Investigation

    Congress started an investigation into the Watergate Burglary and its relation to the White House. These hearings were all televised live, and were watched by many Americans. During the investigation, it was found that Nixon tapes many of his converstations in the Oval Office. After losing in the Supreme Court, Nixon was forced to give up these tapes. These tapes were the "smoking gun" in the case against Nixon.
  • Nixon Resigns

    Nixon resigns instead of eventually being impeached. Many of Nixon's advisors and others working for him were found guilty and served jail sentences; nineteen in total were charged. Nixon was pardoned by President Gerald R. Ford.