
Warriors - Into The Wild

  • Rusty Runs Into Graypaw

    While trying to catch a mouse Rusty accidently gets tackled by a gray tom named Graypaw. Followed by meeting Lionheart a golden tabby and the ThunderClan leader Bluestar.
  • Joining The ThunderClan

    The ThunderClan cats believe that to be a warrior you have to have warrior blood in you and thinks Rusty can not become a true warrior. Bluestar knows that it is not to late for Rusty to become a ThunderClan warrior and Rusty soon adopts his new name "Firepaw".
  • Redtail Is Dead

    Shortly after Firepaw became an apprentice Tigerclaw and his apprentice; Ravenpaw had just came back from a battle with the RiverClan warriors wounded and panting. Tigerclaw went on dramatically about how Oakheart had killed Redtail (the deputy) while Ravenpaw got treated for his wounds.
  • Caring For Yellowfang

    While hunting alone in the woods Firepaw gets violently attacked by a shabby looking she-cat named Yellowfang who he laters discovers has ran away from the ShadowClan. When Firepaw brings her back to the clan Bluestar assigns Firepaw to take care of her after breaking warrior code. When taking care of Yellowfang, Firepaw soon becomes trustworthy of being her friend.
  • An Old Friend

    After Tigerclaw sends Firepaw out for hunting training Firepaw finds himself at the edge of ThunderClan territory and near his old Twoleg home where he lived as a kit. The scent of an unknown cat catches Firepaw's attention and he starts to think its a intruder. After pinning down a plump black-and-white kittypet Firepaw realizes that the cat under him is his old friend from when he was a kittypet. Later after talking to Smudge, Firepaw appreciates his life much more.
  • Going To The Gathering

    After talking to Bluestar Firepaw, Graypaw, and Raven are invited to the Gathering where all of the Clan leaders discuss their issues. At the Gathering new ShadowClan leader, Brokenstar demands to share hunting territory with the ThunderClan even though they already are sharing hunting territory with the RiverClan.
  • The Moonstone

    A possible threat made by the ShadowClan concerns Bluestar for the safety of the Clan, so she requests Firepaw, Graypaw, Ravenpaw, and Tigerclaw to come with her to the Moonstone. After watching Bluestar sleep on the Moonstone Firepaw is surprised to see her wake up in a panic and order them back to the Clan. When they reached the Clan a battle had already started. At the end of the battle a few cats (including Lionheart) had died but not many were injured.