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Ware, Odyssey Time Line

  • Nov 8, 1200

    Trojan War

    Trojan War
    The Trojan war was a big event contributing with Odysseus, King Menelaus, other soldiers, and troy. Odysseys was not trying to participate in the war.Trojan War was because based onTroy kidnapped Helen because of his love for her. her beauty grew his affections towards her. This war was between the people of greek and Troy.The battle lasted 10 years and the King and his soldiers were able to conquer him. They build a horse so then the horse will be able to seek enemies in their way.
  • Nov 12, 1200


    The lotus-eaters people that lived on small island. The meaning of lotus means clumsy, stupid people. The lotus eaters people considered giving fruit to Odysseus crew members, but Odysseus doesn't trust the fruit because it has an effects on his members. It had them forget about their homes and families.
  • Nov 15, 1200


    In odysseus next adventure to find his way home he ended up on a land where cyclops were found, he described them as giant, lotus, and a way the gods cannot bless them well. Odysseus think of then as horrified creatures. Odysseus care nothing for the cyclops because they are nothing like him and the cyclops tried to eat Odysseus men. The cyclops doesn't have the respect for odysseus and his men either because they barged into their cave and trying to take over.
  • Nov 17, 1200

    Aeolus- Bag of Wind

    Aeolus- Bag of Wind
    Aeolus was god, he was the god of wind. Aeolus gave Odysseus the bag of wind so Odysseus can find his way home to his wife. It was suppose take odysseus 2 years to get home but it took him 20 years to go home. Odysseus spent 10 years to get home and another 10 years in the trojan war. Odysseus' crew mates let go of the bag of wind because they thought they were being used by Odysseus. His cremates believed that there was something valuable in the bag so they let it go and there was no way home.
  • Nov 18, 1200


    Odysseus tries to find his way home he ends up on island where this women Circe was on that island. Odysseus and his Crew mates was stuck on that island for 7 years. On those years being spent, Odysseus men were drugged so then she could make love with Odysseus. Circe was a witch goddess who turned men into pigs. After a while Circe invited Odysseus to a meal. Odysseus couldn't trust circe, he thought that she poisoned his meal so she could seduce him but circe only wanted closure before he left
  • Nov 22, 1200


    In Book 10,Circe tells Odysseus that the only way home is to pass through the sirens. Sirens are creatures in the sea the sings to men. Sirens lowers men to their death with their voice. Once the sirens came Odysseus had his men infuse their ears with wax so they wouldn’t hear the sirens' sins. Odysseus does not do to himself but his men tie him up, that shows bravery and caring for others. Odysseus was willing to sacrifice himself so his men would not die.