

By EnzoDan
  • Start of World War One

    Start of World War One
  • First official ANZAC involvement

    First official ANZAC involvement
  • The first raid on the Suez Canal

    The first raid on the Suez Canal
  • Battle of the Suez Canal

    Battle of the Suez Canal
  • The end of the Suez Canal raid

    The end of the Suez Canal raid
  • Battle of the Suez Canal

    Battle of the Suez Canal
  • Gallipoli Campaign

    Gallipoli Campaign
  • Gallipoli Campaign

    Gallipoli Campaign
  • The start of the Battle of Romani

    The start of the Battle of Romani
    The Battle of Romani was initiated by the German alliance, caused by them attacking the Suez Canal. It resulted in almost complete victory for the British alliance.
  • The Battle of Romani

    The Battle of Romani
    The battle was extremely unsuccessful for the German alliance, resulting in 9,200 deaths and 4,000 POW's. It was also the final ground-based attack during the First World War.
  • End of The Battle of Romani

    End of The Battle of Romani
    The ANZAC troops played a large role during the course of the battle, helping push the Germans into a position where they were trapped.
  • End of World War One

    End of World War One