Pscr maus1and2

Vladek Speigelman's Life 1906-1982

By jewelj
  • Vladek Speilgman is born

    Vladek Speilgman is born
  • Vladek meets Anja Zylberg in Sosnowiec

    Vladek meets Anja Zylberg in Sosnowiec
  • Vladek moves to Sosnowiec

  • Vladek marries Anja

    Vladek marries Anja
  • Police arrest seamstress for communist messages

    Anja has been translationing communist messagaes into german
  • Vladek starts a factory in Bielsko

  • Germans enter sosnowiec

  • Vladek and Anja's fist son ichieu is born

    Vladek and Anja's fist son ichieu is born
  • Anja and Vladek go to sanitarium

    On the journey they witness nazi flags and German progroms
  • Vladek gets drafted to polish army

  • World War II begins with Germany invading Poland

    World War II begins with Germany invading Poland
  • Vladek is capture by Germans and becomes a war prisoner

    Vladek is capture by Germans and becomes a war prisoner
    Commits war crimes to survive
  • Vladek is kept in a war prison near Nuremberg

    Later to be moved to a bigger camp in an unknown location
  • Vladek volunteers for work assignments

    Vladek volunteers for work assignments
    During this time it is confirmed by a Rabbi that Vladek will be released in Feburary
  • On Parshas trmua Vladek is sent to Poland

    On Parshas trmua Vladek is sent to Poland
    though the train ends in Lubin
  • Vladek dressed as a Poland sneaks back to Sosnonwiec

  • S.S starts grabbing jewish people of the streets

    Vladek again finds himself in a close call
  • Ilzecki offer vladek's son richieu a safe home

  • The gemeinder sent anotice that jews had to vacate

    All jewish people in Sosnoweic were order to relocate to Stara Sosnoweic by januaray 1,1942. Vladek and his group of 11 are moved into 2 1/2 small rooms.
  • Nahum cohn and son hung in the streets for black maerket

    Nahum cohn and son hung in the streets for black maerket
    Vladek traded with them and could have easily been ratted out for a chance at a better ending than death
  • Vladek was forced to give up grandparents

    The jewsih police came to say that they would keep coming back and taking them if they didn't give them up. The Karmios were sent to Auschwitz to be gassed.
  • "All jews over 70 years old will be transfered to Theresienstadt"

  • 30,000 jews are sent to Ausschwitz from Sosnoweic

    Vladek and Anja were stamped and allowed to go home
  • Jews still in Sosnoweic must go live in a vilage in Srodula

    Jews still in Sosnoweic must go live in a vilage in Srodula
    Everyone worked in German facotories and Richieu was sent to Zawiercie to find safeety from the brutality
  • Germans took kids to Auschwitzs

    Germans took kids to Auschwitzs
  • Vladek and his family surivived for so long in bunkers

    Vladek and his family surivived for so long in bunkers
    though they were caught when they made the mistake of letting a Jewish informer live
  • Most jews in Srodula ghetto were sent to Auschwitz, but Vladek and Anja are in hiding

    Vladek escaped with the help of his cousin Haskel and then Miloch who promised to hide him when the Germans came for everyone
  • All Jews in Zawiercie are sent to Auschwitz.

    All Jews in Zawiercie are sent to Auschwitz.
    Tosha poision herself, Richieu, and two other children to avoid their fate in Auschwitz
  • Srodula ghettos have been emptied, Vladek and Anja set out to Sosnowiec

    Srodula ghettos have been emptied, Vladek and Anja set out to Sosnowiec
  • Vladek and Anja found safety in the homes of Mr. Lukowski though mainly Ms. Motonowa

    THey found comfort at Ms. Motonowabut quickly left after she was searched Gestapo
  • Vladek and Anja are tricked by smugglers and sent to Auschwitzs

    Vladek after recieving proof that it was safe to go decided to travel with the smugglers. The Gestapo stopped the train an hour into their journey in Katowice, and took them to Auschwitzs.
  • In Oswlecim was Auschwitz wjere Vladek was stripped of his possesions and given clothes and a number

    In Oswlecim was Auschwitz wjere Vladek was stripped of his possesions and given clothes and a number
  • In the spring Vladek is assigned as a tinman

  • A kipo wants to learn english from Vladek so he keep him and Mandelbaum safe

    Though Mandelbaum is taken soon after when Vladek is hidden when they empty the camp
  • Vladek has contact with Anja

    Vladek meets a woman named Mancie who helps him get into contact with Anja whos at Birkenau. Vladek found his way over by taking a assignment at Birkenau.
  • Period: to

    Over 100,000 Jews were gassed in Auschwitzs

  • Vladek become a shoe maker

    Vladek become a shoe maker
    He recieved food and special treatment for his skill and was able to helpp Anja with her Kapo
  • Vladek starts doing black work in the gas chambers

    Vladek starts doing black work in the gas chambers
  • Auschwitz is forced to evacuate: death marches

    Auschwitz is forced to evacuate: death marches
    Vladek finds a friend who offfer to hide him though the camps are said to be bombed so everyone leaves.
  • Vladek is sent to Dachau

    Vladek was stuck on a train for days without food or water only surviving with a blanket and snow
  • In Dachau Vladek ran into problems

    In Dachau Vladek ran into problems
    He had lice, which meant he was not allowed to eat and got an infection in his hand, though after meeting a french man his bad luck turned around
  • Germans surrender leaving all jewish free but not safe

  • Vladek gets to poland and from there home

    After hiding out, Vladek is rescued by the americans who get him to Belsen and then from there he goes to Poland, then home
  • Vladeks second son Art Spielgman is born in Sweden

  • The Spielgman family moves to New York

    The Spielgman family moves to New York
  • Anja commits suicide

    Anja commits suicide
  • Vladek Spielgman dies of heart attack

    Vladek Spielgman dies of heart attack