Foods Impact on War

  • Introduction

    In this virtual exhibit you will see 4 different examples of how food had an impact during the war against Germany, and World War 2. We know food has an impact, but just how big of an impact does it really have. During the wars, America did not stand alone. One way we paid our allies was by giving them food to survive the harsh winters. Because we needed to feed our allies, agriculture was really pushed and became big in America.
  • Hunger Breeds Madness

    Hunger Breeds Madness
    During this time period, America had just declared war on Germany. President Woodrow Wilson said "Hunger Breeds Madness". Agriculture was very pushed during this time period to help Americans thrive during the war. This image was created to promote the push for the growth of agriculture across the country.
  • Helping Our Allies

    Helping Our Allies
    During the war, America was gaining help from some of their allies. A way or repaying and aiding their allies, we had a plan to help feed them during the harsh winters. The Home Card came out to Americans, explaining the plan. The plan was for Americans to eat less of some of the foods listed, and more of the foods we had an abundance of. It was also pushed to not waste food.
  • Another Problem

    Another Problem
    Another problem Americans faced while at war was the breakout of Influenza. Between war and many sick Americans, what were they supposed to do? One way they tried to help was setting out an "After Influenza" list. This list is a list of foods that helped Americans build their immune systems back up, and helped them recover from influenza. Since agriculture was pushed during this time, using food as a remedy to get well was an impactful decision.
  • Not Just Once

    Not Just Once
    Fast forward to the 1940s, World War 2 is happening and food has once again had an impact. Just like in the 1910s, agriculture to help with the war was very pushed. "Food Will Win the War" was a popular statement released by Agriculture Secretary Claude Wickard. This image came out to try and push agriculture so we could once again aid out allies in the war.