Vietnam War

By marqy
  • French Surrendurs

    French Surrendurs
    Vietnamese forces occupy the French command post at Dien Bien Phu and the French commander orders his troops to cease fire. The French loss over 3000 men, but the winnders of the beattle lost 8000 men.
  • JFK Orders Troops to Help

    JFK Orders Troops to Help
    President John F. Kennedy orders more help for the South Vietnamese government in its war against the Vietcong guerrillas. U.S. backing includes new equipment and more than 3,000 military advisors and support personnel in South Vietnam.
  • Maddox Incident

    Maddox Incident
    The captain of the U.S.S. Maddox reports that his vessel has been fired. Though he later says that no attack took place, six hours after the initial report, a retaliation against North Vietnam is ordered by President Johnson. American jets bomb 2 naval bases, and destroyed a oil facility.
  • Power to Johnson

    Power to Johnson
    Congress passes the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution. Which gave President Johnson the power to take whatever actions he sees necessary to defend southeast Asia.
  • Vietcong Strike Again

    Vietcong Strike Again
    Vietcong forces launch a series of attacks across South Vietnam. They briefly seize control of Binh Gia. Two hundred South Vietnamese troops are killed near Binh Gia, along with five Americans.
  • Operation Rolling Thunder

    Operation Rolling Thunder
    President Johnson authorizes Operation Rolling is a limited but long lasting bombing offensive. Its goal was to force North Vietnam to stop supporting Vietcong guerrillas in the South.
  • Tet Offensive

    Tet Offensive
    A massive suprise attack by the Vietcong on U.S. military and South Vietnamese. They dropped thousands of soldiers on un armed bases in the Sothern region. 2500 Americans lost their lives and thousands of South Vietnamese people loss their lives.
  • My Lai Massacare

    My Lai Massacare
    Over 500 of un armerd civillians were killed in South Vietnam by U.S. Soldiers. They killed infants, raped the wives, and killed everyone in sight.