
Vietnam War

  • The War Starts

    The battle between American and Vietnam begins.
  • Period: to

    The Vietnam War

  • First American Death

    After being in the Vietnamese war for 7 months, the first American soldier to be killed was Richard B. Fitzgibon JR. He was murdered by a fellow airman.
  • Tonkin Gulf Resolution

    Tonkin Gulf Resolution
    A congressional resoltuion passed in 1964 which authorized more military action to occur during the war bewteen North and South Vietnam.
  • My Lai Incident

    My Lai Incident
    U.S. soldiers massacred Vietmnese civilians and ended up killing 347 women and children in the area.
  • Largest Anti-War Protest

    Largest Anti-War Protest
    More than 250,000 protesters gathered together in Washington D.C. to go against the war in Vietnam.
  • Vietnam War Draft

    The first draft for the Vietnam occured since 1942
  • Invasion of Cambodia

    Invasion of Cambodia
    President Nixon anounded that the Amercian military was going to invade Cambodia. The purpose of this invasion was to disrupt the North Vietnamese supply lines.
  • Kent State University Incident

    Kent State University Incident
    During a protest against the war, at Kent State University, a riot broke out and caused the armed forces to open fire on the crowd. 4 people were killed and 9 others were wounded.
  • Jackson State Missippi Riot

    Riots broke out during college protests against the Vietnam war. Police opened fire and ended up injuring dozens of students.
  • The End of the War

    The United States and Vietnam made a final peace agreenment, The Paris Peace Accords, to end the battle.
  • sources
    google images