Vietnam Timeline

  • Paris Peace Conference/ Accords

    an international meeting that established terms of the peace after the war. it redrew the map of the world, partionied and created countries, etc.
  • EisenHower

  • Dien Bien Phu

  • Geneva Accords

    it provided a 300 day grace period so that the civilians could relocate to North or South Vietnam, and the united states provided assistance to those who wanted to move to the south.
  • Kennedy

  • Johnson

  • Tonkin Resolution

    the resolution effectively launched america's full scale involvement in the Vietnam War, after an alleged attack on two US naval destroyers.
  • Gulf of Tonkin

    the resolution authorized Johnson to take all necessary measures in order to stop any armed attack against the forces of the US and to prevent any further aggression and he was given this ability by the government of North Vietnam.
  • Tet Offensive

    The offensive strained the relationship of Vietnamese and the US causing Americans to began to question military and political leaders because they had assured them the Vietnam War was going to be over soon. We lost over 3,000 men.
  • My Lai Massacre

    it increased domestic opposition to the US's involvement of the war resulting in the denouncement by the US congressmen of the three servicemen who made and effort to half of the massacre and protect the wounded
  • Nixon

  • Invasion of Cambodia

    It was considered the most successful military operation of the the war in order and it brought them time for its withdrawal in SOutheast Asia and also helped prevented the spread of communism to Cambodia.
  • Pentagon Papers

    It revealed that the US had expanded its war along with the bombing of Cambodia and LAos, coastal aids in North Vietnam, along with Marine Corps attacks, none of which had been reported by the American Media.
  • Christmas Bombing

  • Vietnamization

    It drastically cut Americans involvement in Vietnam and allowed for thousands of US troops to come home.
  • War Powers Act

    a federal law intended to check the US president's power to commit the US to an armed conflict without the consent of the US congressmen.
  • Ford

  • Fall of Saigon

    It resulted in the evacuation of over 110,000 vietnamese refugees, 2,500 orphans, and another 7,000 people evacuated