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  • Application of the Truman Docterine

    Application of the Truman Docterine
    The Truman Doctrine gave a reason for the US aide any country threatened by Communism. South Vietnam was threatened by Communist North Vietnam. The Truman Doctrine gave the US a reason to enter the war and begin fighting to end communism. Without the Truman Doctrine being applied we may have never even entered the war.
  • 1. The pullout from Indochina by the French

    1.	The pullout from Indochina by the French
    After WWII France was vary weakened. After Ho Chi Minh lead guerrilla raids and pushed the France to leave. After the French left Vietnam was split into the North and South. The North was Communist and the south was a Democracy. Shortly after the separation the North began attacking the sound and also used a force known as the Vietcong to attack right in the heart of the South.
  • The deployment of NVA troops to South Vietnam 1962-1965

    The deployment of NVA troops to South Vietnam 1962-1965
    The NVA is also known as the North Vietnamese Army. This is the force the US was fighting to take back Democratic Vietnam. When the NVA was deployed in South Vietnam really began to struggle and begin to lose a lot of land. In 1964 the US enters to help push back the NVA.
  • Creation of the NFL 1965

    Creation of the NFL 1965
    The NFL was a pamphlet that changed South Vietnam. The pamphlet stated that the Government south Vietnam was under control by was illegal and the true government was the Vietcong. This swayed many other people from the south to actually jump to the Vietcong giving them an even stronger presence in South Vietnam and allowed for an easier take over all together.
  • The Battle of Ia Drang Valley 1965

    The Battle of Ia Drang Valley 1965
    The Battle of Ia Drang Valley was the first major battle between the US and NVA. The battle was very close in the beginning. After a surprise attack the US lost a large amount of troops. This caught the US off guard and the US had to learn fast how to counter the deadly sneak attacks from the Vietcong.
  • The deployment of US ground troops to South Vietnam 1965

    The deployment of US ground troops to South Vietnam 1965
    After the deployment of the NVA the US knew they needed to help South Vietnam. The US sent troops to aide South Vietnam and to attempt to put an end to Communism threats. The US had no real plan and because of this the US failed to retake the Democratic Vietnam. The US had little support from home and most citizens of the US began to start peace movements to pull out from the war in Vietnam.
  • Tet Offence

    Tet Offence
    Tet was an offensive war strategy used by the Communist Vietnam. The NVA would launch attacks during times no fighting was to take place. Most commonly done on holidays celebrated by the Vietnamese.
  • Vietnamization

    a policy of the Richard M. Nixon administration during the Vietnam War. It was used to counter the Viet Cong's Tet Offensive. The plan was to expand, equip, and train South Vietnam's forces and assign to them a combat role. This reduced the number of US soldiers needed in Vietnam.
  • The Spring Offence

    The Spring Offence
    The spring offense is also known as the “ Tet with tanks ‘’. This strategy was done by the North to gain as much as territory as possible. Overall the plan was a failure but it exposed weaknesses on both sides that were later exposed.
  • America pulls out of the war

    America pulls out of the war
    This was ultimately the end of the war. The Americans beaten and bruised returned home after failing to help the Democratic Vietnam. The US leaving the war aloud for Communist Vietnam to take over.