videogames by efrain quintero 6

  • the firts video game

    the firts video game
    There are numerous debates over which game should be considered the first video game, with the answer depending largely on how video games are defined. The evolution of video games represents a tangled web of several different industries, including scientific, computer, arcade, and consumer electronics. The "video" in "video game" traditionally refers to a raster display device.[1] With the popular catch phrase use of the term "video game", the term later came to imply all display types, format
  • what is a videogames

    what is a videogames
    Video game culture (more accurately: a subculture) is a form of new media subculture that has been influenced by video games. As computer and video games have increased exponentially in popularity over time, they have caused a significant influence upon popular culture. This form of entertainment has spawned many fads. Video game culture has evolved in time, particularly in connection with internet culture. Today, the impact of computer and video games can be seen in politics, television, popula
  • the firts consule

    the firts consule
    this the firts consule
  • my favorite video games

    my favorite video games
    to my the best videogame is
    pokemon ruby and gta 5
  • my firt cosule

    my firt cosule
    my firts consule is a game boy an de super nintendo and i love tha super nintndo
  • now my favorite cosula

    now my favorite cosula
    is the playstation 4