Victor and Seford

  • Oct 12, 1492

    Colombus Discovers America

    Columbus discovers America in 1492. This is important because if he never found America we would not be here.
  • Jun 24, 1497

    John Cabot Lands in Newfoundland.

    John Cabot lands in Newfoundland, beginning the British colonial presence in North America. This important beeacuse is the beginning of the british presence in america.
  • Jamestown established

    After unsuccessful attempts to establish settlements in Newfoundland and at Roanoke, the famous "Lost Colony," off the coast of present-day North Carolina, England established its first permanent North American settlement, Jamestown, in 1607.
  • The treaty of paris

    The Treaty of Paris, often called the Peace of Paris, or the Treaty of 1763, was signed on 10 February 1763, by the kingdoms of Great Britain, France and Spain, with Portugal in agreement..[1] The treaty marked the beginning of an extensive period of British dominance outside Europe.[2] Notably, the treaty did not involve either Prussia or Austria who signed a separate Treaty of Hubertusburg. Its important beacuse it ened the the french indian war
  • The royal proclamation

    The Royal Proclamation of 1763 was issued October 7, 1763, by King George III following Great Britain's acquisition of French territory in North America after the end of the French and Indian War/Seven Years' War. Its important beacuse it ended the acquistion.
  • The Declaration of Rights and Grievances

    The Declaration of Rights and Grievances was a document created during the Committees of Correspondence declaring that taxes imposed on British colonists without their formal consent were unconstitutional. This was especially directed at the Stamp Act, which required that documents, newspapers, and playing cards to be printed on special stamped and taxed paper.
  • Encourage ment for declaration of indepedence.

    During the Spring of 1776, as the historian Pauline Maier has shown, colonies, localities, and groups of ordinary Americans--including New York mechanics, Pennsylvania militiamen, and South Carolina grand juries--adopted resolutions endorsing independence. These resolutions encouraged the Continental Congress to appoint a five-member committee to draft a formal declaration of independence.
  • Missouri becomes a state in the United States

    Missouri became a state
  • The orgen trail is used

    orgen trails comes into use by settlers migrating to the Pacific Northwest
  • Texas fights for independence

    Texas War for Independence begins
  • Europe fights