
Veldt Timeline

  • Exposition

    In the exposition, we learn about the nursery and that there is something wrong with it. We also we also learn that the children are very spoiled and addicted to the nursery.
  • Rising Action 1

    Rising Action 1
    The parents discover that their children are thinking about death in the form lions killing their prey.
  • Rising Action 2

    Rising Action 2
    The children deny that the nursery is reflecting death.
  • Rising Action 3

    Rising Action 3
    The psychologist visits the nursery and discovers that the children need major help because they are channeling destructive thoughts instead of releasing destructive thoughts.
  • Climax

    The children are allowed to use the nursery for one final moment, it is in this moment that they send the lions to eat the parents. This enables them to keep the nursery for themselves.
  • Resolution

    The parents are now gone and the children are independant.