US Imperialist Events (1890-1917)

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    Spanish-American War

    A short, 113 day war, in which the United States fought to liberate Cuba and the Philippines from Spanish rule.
  • Queen Liliuokalani Overthrown

    The United States removes the Hawaiian monarchy.
  • Hawaii's Annexation

    Hawaii was annexed by the USA as the 50th state.
  • Treaty of Paris

    After the Spanish's defeat in the Mexican-American war, the USA annexed the Philippines, Guam, Puerto Rico
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    Philippine-American War

    The Philippines were annexed, but not granted independence. As a result, there was an expensive 3 year war as the Philippines fought for independence.
  • Open Door Policy

    The US declares China to allow 
free trade by any nation in any port.
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    Boxer Rebellion

    An uprising occurs in China, where Chinese citizens attack foreigners in order to rebel against to foreign influence. Eventually, international forces must come to put the rebellion down.
  • Roosevelt Corollary

    Teddy Roosevelt adds to the Monroe Doctrine, which gives the United States 
“police powers” to protect Latin America from European imperialism.
  • Panama Canal

    Teddy Roosevelt uses "Big Stick Diplomacy" to build the Panama Canal, through encouraging Panamanians to rebel from Colombia. The canal helps America ships internationally much faster.