US Expansionism

  • Period: to

    US Expansion

  • Acquisition of Hawaii

  • Assassination of Franz Ferdinand

    Archduke Ferdinand assassinated by Gavrilo Princip, a Serbian
  • Panama Canal

    The US built a canal in the middle of Panama, the narrowest part of Central America. This reduced the time it took to travel across the US. Roosevelt struck a deal with Panamanian rebels who wanted independence, giving the US control over the Panama Canal Zone.
  • German Proclamation

    Germany issues order stating that any ships entering the British Isles will be sunk
  • Sinking of Lusitania

    Germany sinks Passenger ship that crossed into the warzone, killing 1260 people, 120 of which were Americans.
  • Sussex Pledge

  • Zimmerman Telegram

    Britain intercepts telegram sent by Germany to Mexico, asking them to attack US in exchange for territory.
  • US enters WWI

  • Selective Service Act

    Required American males to enlist for the army, between ages 21-30. 10 million soldiers enlisted in a few months.