United States History Class Timeline 2013-2014

By ByrdOTU
  • The Signing of the Declaration of Independence

    The Signing of the Declaration of Independence
    On Augest 2, of 1776 members of Congress affix sigh there name on the Declaration of Independence. Fifty-six congress people signed the document. News of the Declaration of Independence went to London 8 days later, on August 10. The signatures was first printed on January 18 by Baltimore printer Mary Katharine Goddard.
  • The Louisiana Purchace

    The Louisiana Purchace
    Some of the main inpacts of "The Louisiana Purchace" is that the United States got control of the Missipii river. And the United States got alot more land a that made them more puwerfull.
    (McDougal/ Littell, 334)
  • The Lewis and Clark Journey

    The Lewis and Clark Journey
    The liewis and clark jouny they had brought with them a native girl who would help them surviv with the wild life. Her name was Sacagawea who helped them with food and more. She was one of the most helpfull person they had becouse they help with the other native tribes. (McDougal Littell, 336)
  • The Texas Revolution

    The Texas Revolution
    The texas revaltion happend when the United States bought the west and Amaricans wanted to find more land. So Amarican Settlers came in and started to settle there and when they went there they broght there slaves. And the Mexacian bandded slavery and the Amaricans did not want to move anywhere so they brought out the milatary and force them out. ( pg 427 McDougal Littel)
  • The California Gold Rush

    The California Gold Rush
    There was a man named James Marshall who was building a sawmill had found a nugget of gold in the creek. It started when large amounts of people started going the the spot where they found the gold. Many of the people startved and died of fights for land. Many people brought with them thier familys and did not find very much gold. (pg 438 McDoungal Littell)
  • Bleeding Kasas

    In 1855, there where more proslavery then antislavry people that where selttleing in kasas. There where alot of vilonce and there was alot of prebock and they called the bleeding kasas.
  • Harper Fairy

    Harper Fairy
    John Brown wanted all of the land he couse get the slaves to have an uprise. So they travel to Harpers Fairy in virgiana and captured 13 white men and 5 black men. And then all of the word speaded and the black armed men did not want to go get them.
  • battale of gettysburg day 1

    battale of gettysburg day 1
  • battle of gettysburg day 2

    battle of gettysburg day 2
  • battle of gettysburg day 3

    battle of gettysburg day 3
  • The Mexican Revolution

    The Mexican Revolution
    The war lasted about 10 years and it was a very costly war. The war ended in a dictatorship and their where lots of lives lot. (www.History.com)
  • The Stock Market Crash of 1929

    The Stock Market Crash of 1929
    On October 29, 1929, Black Tuesday came to Wall Street as investors traded some 16 million shares on the New York Stock Exchange in a single day. Billions of dollars were lost.
  • Japan's Attack on Pearl Harbor

    Japan's Attack on Pearl Harbor
    It was 8 am at Pearl Harbor when hundeds of Japan's fighter plains came an attacked Pearl Harbor at the American naval base near Honolulu, Hawaii.The fight lasted about two hours. The Japanese were able to sink 20 boats. They also destroy 8 really big battle ships, and 200 aiplains. 2,000 solders died from the attack and the oher 1,000 was injurded.
  • The March on Washington

    The March on Washington
    On August 28, 1963, more than 200,000 Americans came in Washington, D.C., for a rally known as the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom. The march, which became a moment in the growing struggle for civil rights in the United States, Martin Luther King Jr.’s "I Have a Dream" speech.
  • My Birthday

  • 9/11

    On september 11, 2000 al-Qaeda hijacked 4 airplanes and they were sucide bombers and they were heading for the U.S. The two of the four airplains crashed in to the World Trade Center in New York City. The 3rd airplain crashed into the pentagon right outside of D.C. And the forth plain crashed in a field in Pa.
  • The First Inauguration of Ronald Reagan

    The First Inauguration of Ronald Reagan
    The first inauguration of Ronald Reagan as the 40th President of the United States was held on January 20, 1981. The inauguration marked the start of the first four-year term of Ronald Reagan as President and George H. W. Bush as Vice President. Minutes later, the Americans held kept in Iran were aloud to leave.
  • The California Gold Rush