Unit 6 Timeline

By ZackM
  • End of World War II

    The end of World War II allowed for Germany to be split umong the West the Soviets causing trouples with the clashing democractic and communistic sides. This shows change because the spliting of Germany made more tension between the deomcratics and communists.
  • NATO is Former

    NATO was made so there would be a defense against communistic people. This shows change becuase t was one of the first was that the two government ideas were combating each other.
  • Korean War

    The Korean War was a war for Korea to establish a communistic or democratic government. The outcome established a communistic government in the north and a democratic in the south. This shows countinuity because both types of government were trying to establish their domonance.
  • Greece and Turkey

    Greece and Turkey joined NATO to help fight the spread of communism. This event shows continuity becuase it was just more people helping the spread of comunism.
  • Stalin Dies

    Stalin, the leader of the Soviet Union dies. This event shows countinuity becuase the soviets were still communists.
  • Russian Sputnik Launched

    The Russian Sputnik was launched to pomote Russian Superiority in the Space Race. This event shows continuity becuase it was common for the Russians and the US to find out superiorities between the two.
  • Fidel Castro

    Fidel Castro becomes the leader of Cuba. He did not want to proclaim the nationa as communistic even though it was. This event shows change because more nations were becoming communistic.
  • Berlin Wall is Built

    The Berlin wall was constructed after Germany was split from WWII. This event shows continuity because it was just another way that the communist and democratic ideologies seperated.
  • Cuban Missle Crisis

    The Cuban Missile Crisis was a threat against the US involving nuclear weapons. This event showed changed becuase the threat rose more tensions between the Russians and the US.
  • Period: to

    The Cold War

    The Cold War had many static times in its duration, but there were many changes that revoluntionized the world.
  • Fall of the Berlin Wall

    The falling of the Berlin wall showed an acceptance between Russia and the West's political ideologies. This event showed change because its showed the peace between the two power houses.