Unit 2 timeline west

  • Fiume Crisis

    The Fiume Crisis happened after World War I when Italy and Yugoslavia disagreed over the city of Fiume. Italy wanted Fiume because it had a lot of Italian-speaking people, but Yugoslavia also claimed it. A poet named Gabriele D'Annunzio led Italian nationalists to occupy Fiume in 1919, creating tension between Italy and Yugoslavia. The Fiume Crisis highlighted competing territorial claims and nationalist aspirations, leading to tensions and undermining stability in the post-war period.
  • Treaty of Versailles

    The Treaty of Versailles was a big agreement made after World War I to decide what would happen to the countries involved. It made Germany take the blame for starting the war and pay lots of money. It also took away some of Germany's land and military power to try to prevent another big war. The Treaty of Versailles imposed harsh penalties on Germany, leading to resentment and economic instability, which fueled further tensions and conflicts in the 1920s.
  • Washington Naval Conference

    The Washington Naval Conference was a meeting held in 1921-1922 where major world powers discussed naval disarmament and peace in the Pacific. Countries like the United States, Britain, Japan, France, and Italy attended. They agreed to limit the size and number of their naval ships to avoid future conflicts and promote stability in the region. The conference reduced naval competition and tensions among major powers, fostering a period of relative stability and cooperation in the Pacific region.
  • Rapallo Pact

    The 1922 Rapallo Pact, signed between Germany and the Soviet Union, facilitated economic trade and cooperation. This aided both nations' post-World War I recovery efforts. By sidestepping the Treaty of Versailles, it diminished the influence of other European states. This pact bolstered collaboration between Germany and the Soviet Union, enabling Germany to circumvent certain Treaty of Versailles constraints and fostering stability across Europe.
  • Genoa Conference

    The 1922 Genoa Conference aimed to solve Europe's post-war economic issues, drawing countries together for discussions on rebuilding and stabilizing relations. While some agreements were reached, such as easing Germany's reparations, lasting solutions were elusive. Despite promoting economic cooperation, conflicting interests and a lack of consensus led to its ultimate failure in achieving significant progress.
  • Corfu Crisis

    The Corfu Crisis happened in 1923 when an Italian general was killed on the Greek island of Corfu. Italy blamed Greece for the general's death and demanded compensation. When Greece refused, Italy bombarded and occupied the Greek island, leading to international condemnation and a diplomatic standoff. The Corfu Crisis failed to prevent Italian aggression against Greece, undermining confidence in the League's ability to maintain peace and resolve conflicts effectively.
  • Ruhr Crisis

    The Ruhr Crisis occurred when Germany couldn't pay reparations for World War I, so France and Belgium occupied the Ruhr Valley. This led to tension and protests by the German workers, causing economic chaos and hyperinflation in Germany. The crisis ended when the Dawes Plan was introduced, which helped stabilize the German economy and eased tensions between Germany and the Allies. The Ruhr Crisis escalated economic and political conflicts between Germany and the Allied powers.
  • Dawes Plan

    The Dawes Plan was created in 1924 to help Germany recover economically after World War I. It allowed Germany to restructure its debt payments and receive loans from the United States to rebuild its economy. This plan helped stabilize Germany's economy, reduce hyperinflation, and ease tensions between Germany and the Allied powers. The Dawes Plan stabilized Germany’s economy which reduced tensions stemming from the economic turmoil of the early 1920s.
  • Locarno Conference

    The Locarno Conference improved relations between European countries after World War I. It resulted in treaties signed by Germany, France, Belgium, Italy, and Britain, guaranteeing their borders and promising not to use force to resolve disputes. The conference helped to reduce tensions and promote peace in Europe, though it failed to prevent future conflicts. The Conference eased tensions through agreements on borders and peaceful resolutions, contributing to a period of relative stability.
  • Kellog-Briand Pact

    The Kellogg-Briand Pact was signed by many countries, including the US and France, to try to prevent another WW. It said that countries would not use war to solve their problems and would instead use peaceful methods, like diplomacy, to settle disputes. Although it didn't stop WWIl from happening, it laid the groundwork for later efforts to promote peace and international cooperation. The pact solved conflicts peacefully, but it didn't fully prevent international tensions from remaining high.