Unit 2 timeline

By mimi333
  • Period: to

    Battle of Veracruz

    During the Mexican Revolution, the Battle of Veracruz was a 20 day battle that lasted march 9th - march 29th It was the first military operation that involoved the US forces and ended with a surrender.
  • George Dewey enters Naval Academy

    George Dewey enters Naval Academy
    George Dewey was an admiral of the United States Navy. He is best known for his victory at the Battle of Manila Bay during the Spanish-American War.
  • Joseph Pulitzer

    Joseph Pulitzer
    The year he built a career on an enterprising journalist, who changed the look of the front page. He helped establish the pattern of modern US newpaper by influence of acquired european newpapers collected while he was recruited in Europe.
  • Triple Alliance

    Triple Alliance
    Alliance between Britain, France, and Russia.
  • John J. Pershing

    John J. Pershing
    Joined the army. GEN officer and held highest rank in the army in his time. Helped in WWI and led American Expeditionary Forces in World War I. Regarded as a mentor in 1948. He died in 1948
  • Bayonet Constitution

    Bayonet Constitution
    Bayonet Constitution was a document stating that the Hawaiian Monarchy would be stripped, power given to American , European and Hawaiaiin Natives. King Kalakaua was foreced by an armed militia to sign the document.
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    Kaiser Wilhem II

    uling the German Empire and the Kingdom of Prussia
  • Cuba becoming protectorate( US OCCUPATION)

    Cuba becoming protectorate( US OCCUPATION)
    Spain ceded US cuba after the Spanish American war in 1899,
  • Yellow Journalism

    Yellow Journalism
    Yellow Journalism is dropped in Joseph Pulitzers New York World,Richard F Outcault started cartoon "Yellow Kid" in the new newspaper,
  • William Mckinley becomes president

    William Mckinley becomes president
    William Mckinley held presidency from March 4th 1897-Sept 14th, 1901. He won by a landslide and ran his campaign on American prosperity. He led the US into war with Spain over Guam, Puerto Rico and the Philllipeans which began US age of Imperialism.
  • Explosion of the Maine

    Explosion of the Maine
    An american ship that blew up in the Havana Harbor.It killed 260 men and was a critical event was critical in the US path to the Spanish American War. Us blamed Cuba for the explotion and set off to free Puerto Rico from their reign.
  • de Lome letter

    de Lome letter
    he de Lôme letter, a note written by Señor Don Enrigue Dupuy de Lôme, the Spanish Ambassador to the United States, to Don José Canelejas, the Foreign Minister of Spain, reveals de Lôme’s opinion about the Spanish involvement in Cuba and President McKinley’s diplomacy.
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    Spanish American War

    The Spanish Amwerican war was a short battke as a result of Americans interining in Cubas revolution and helping those under thier rule.
  • First Rough Rider

    First Rough Rider
    Rooseelt organizes his first volenteer calvary called the Rough Riders. Fought battle of San Juan Heights on July 1st, roosevelt announcing it was the best day ever,
  • Queen Liliuokalani

    Queen Liliuokalani is the last Hawaiin soveign to govern Hawaii , and lost power to Us being annexed in 1898.
  • Open Door Policy

    Open Door Policy
    Proposed for protection of equal privileges among countries trading with China. It was initiated by the US, stating that the US and Europe nations can trade w Chine without being in control of the country.
  • Phillipeans Annexation

    Phillipeans Annexation
    Phillipeans got annexed from thier rule and became our territory but then got granted freedom not too long after
  • Imperialism Begins

    Imperialism Begins
    Although US has shown imperiliastic qualities since the late 1800's, this is when Us first takes over a territory, Puerto Rico, for thier own.
  • Foraker Act

    Foraker Act
    It was a federal law in the United States that established the government in Puerto Rico
  • Boxer Rebellion

    ANTI Christian movement that took place in China at the end of the Qing dynasty. China wanted to close in on foregn powers. The Open Door Policy was the solution, china splitting up its sphere of influence.
  • Theodore Roosevelt becomes president

    Theodore Roosevelt becomes president
    Theodore Roosevelt was the 26th presdident, served 2 terms, ending on March 4th 1909.
  • William Randolph Hearst

    becomes House of Representativeas a congressman from New York. Heart revolutionolized journalism and attended Harvard for publishing. He opened up 2 magazine buisnesses, Hearst Magazine and Motor. Motor
  • Guatanemo Bay Naval Base Opens

    Guatanemo Bay Naval Base Opens
    In 1903, Cuba signed a treaty and leased Guatanemo Bay to the US to open up a navy port.
  • Platt Agreement

    A treaty between the U.S. and Cuba that attempted to protect Cuba's independence from foreign intervention. It permitted extensive U.S. involvement in Cuban international and domestic affairs for the enforcement of Cuban independence.
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    Russo-Japanese War

    The Russo-Japanese war was an outbreak starting from the rivlary of Russia and Japan. Japan was victorious, attacking Russia at thier base in China.
  • roosevelt corollary

    roosevelt corollary
    Roosevelts corollary was US stating regarding european and latin affairs acting out upon eachother and asking europe not to influence the western hemisphere and to not violate the rights of the United States or invite “foreign aggression to the detriment of the entire body of American nations.”
  • Triple Entente

    Triple Entente
    Russian Empire, French 3rd Republic, United Kingdom of Great Britain.
  • William Howard Taft becomes president

    William Howard Taft becomes president
    William Howard Taft was president untill 1913. He also served later as a chief justice. He faced troubles living up to Teddy Roosevelts name when he was put in office directly after.
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    dollar diplomacy

    From 1909 to 1913, President William Howard Taft and Secretary of State Philander C. Knox followed a foreign policy characterized as “dollar diplomacy.” Done to secure financial intrests in foregn regions encouraping investment to US capital.
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    Mexican Revolution

    The Mexican Revolution broke out in 1910 when the former rule of President Porfirio Díaz was challenged by Francisco I. Madero,Díaz expected to win easily and legally, and was therefore shocked when it became evident that his opponent in the 1910 election, Francisco I. Madero, was likely to win.
  • Woodrow Wilson becomes president

    Woodrow Wilson becomes president
    Woodrow Wilsons presidency lasted 8 years. He brought us into World War I in 1917. He was in the league of nations and started the Treaty of Versailles but had to leave office in march 1921 due to a stroke.
  • Tamppico Incident

    Tamppico Incident
    n April 9, 1914, the commander of the U.S.S. Dolphin sent nine sailors ashore in a whaleboat to pick up some cans of fuel oil from a warehouse in Tampico, as previously agreed with the Mexican federal commander. However, as the sailors were transferring the cans to the whaleboat, they were stopped by Tamaulipas state troops, who hadn’t been informed of the plan. After a brief but tense armed standoff (naturally no one on either side spoke the other side’s language) the Mexican state troops arre
  • Panama Canal Opens

    Panama Canal Opens
    Captain John A. Constantine, the Canal's first pilot, made the first official transit of the canal on August 15, 1914. Construction and planning for the canal lasted from 1901 with the initial idea coming from president roosevelt.

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    The first world war revolutionized the way the world fought wars with upgraded tachnology and trench warfare. It dramatically changed the outcome of the war and caused far more casualties than needed.
  • Germany invasion of Belgium

    Germany invasion of Belgium
    Belgium was a neutral countrie, and when Germany invaded Belgium had to call upon his ally RUSSIA.
  • Sinking of the Lustania

    Sinking of the Lustania
    The sinking of the Lustiania was the spark that led American government to open eyes when over 200 citizens sunk in the Lustania when it was struck by a U boat
  • Sussex Pledge

    Sussex Pledge
    On this date germans pledge "No unrestricted submarine warfare!" No us citizens were involved but Germany had to promise to president Wilsom that if it didnt stop US would break off diplomatic realtations against Germany.
  • Zimmerman Note

    Zimmerman Note
    February 24 Britain released the Zimmerman telegram to Wilson, and news of the telegram was published widely in the American press on March 1. The telegram had such an impact on American opinion in thier position of the war that they were highly involved within months. The telegram was written by Arthur Zimmerman asking mexico to decalre war on the US
  • US Declaration of War on Germany

    US Declaration of War on Germany
    Congree votes to join in the Allied Powers.
  • selective service act

    selective service act
    authorized the federal government to raise a national army for the American entry into World War I,he Selective Service Act required that every male who was between the ages of 21 years (later changing it to 18) and 30 years old had to become registered with the military.This was in case of the draft that go in effect during WWI.

    President Woodrom Wilsons fourteen points were the 14 points that Wilsom believed would come to terms in war and peace.
  • National War Labor Board

    National War Labor Board
    had 12 represntatives and chaired by William Howard Taft. It was created to reslove disputes between workers and employers in order to ensure labor reliability and productivity during the war. It was later dissolved in May 1919 after the war.
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    Peace treaty that was signed at the end of World War I. Armitice between Allys and Germany was signed this date and stopped the fighting. Marked victory for Allies and a defeat for Germany,
  • Schenck v. United States

    Schenck v. United States
    This groundbreaking trial started with a man named Charles Schenck who was arrested for organizing a protest against the military draft undertaken by the Federal Government.Schenck, who was found guilty in the original trial, appealed the charges by claiming the U.S. had sparked slave-like laws.He was founf guily of direct violation of the Espionage Act.
    In Schenck v. United States, the United States Supreme Court ruled in favor of the government. http://kids.laws.com/schenck-v-united-states
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    The First Red Scarce

    Workers began to strike and citizens opposed the governments when the Revolution in 1917 in Russia began to effect America with the introduction of Communism beliefs. The government began deporting those who were belived to be communist.
  • Teapot Dome Scandel

    Teapot Dome Scandel
    Teapot Dome Scandel that ruined the reputation of Warren G. Harding
  • League of Nations

    League of Nations
    League of Nations was created to insure no war so destructive would ever break out again. Switzerland was the neutral country, and it was based in Genva. League of Nations failed on a political level and, although it did help to rid of small pox in the campaign. t originally consisted of 42 countries, 26 of which were non-European. At its largest, 57 countries were members of the League. The League was created because a number of people in France, South Africa, the UK and the US believed that a
  • Warren G Harding

    Warren G Harding becomes the president, promised to return american to nomalcy. Tern lasted until August 23rd, when he died in california.
  • Warren G Harding becomes president

    Warren G Harding becomes president
    Warren G Hardings presidency lasted untill August 21, 1923. He became president right after the end of World War I, and promised the nation to return to normalcy.
  • Fransisco Pancho Villa

    Fransisco Pancho Villa
    José Doroteo Arango Arámbula- or Pancho Villa, was an Mexican Revolution General who Pancho Villa was extremely successful, and won many battles .Since Pancho Villa conquered Chihuahua and other northern areas, he spent much of his time reallocating land and stabilizing the economy
  • Calvin Coolidge becomes president

    Calvin Coolidge becomes president
    Calvin Coolidge's presidency lasted 5 years. He was the 30th president and suceeded into presidenct after Hardings death in 1929.
  • Calvin Coolidge

    Sworn in on this date after Hardings death. untill march 1929
  • herbert hoover

    Herbert Hoover becomes president, stock market crashes in Oct. , Hoover reacts late to the Stock Market and precations that could ofbeen taken
  • Franklin Delano Roosevelt

    Roosevelt served 4 terms , starting in March 1933 and ending in April 1945 at his death. He established a new deal that had little success in the economy but stimulated the joblessess.