Unit 2: The Age of Exploration

By Mnayeli
  • Period: 1492 to 1493

    The significance of 1493

    I Believe that Columbus's first voyage was significant because he was able to find land that has never been seen before at least by him. Christopher was able to complete four voyages across the Atlantic Ocean leading the European expeditions to the Carribean, Central America, and South America which later ignited the European colonization of the Americans. If Columbus didn't convince the king and queen to finance his voyages than things would have turned out differently with an alternative.
  • Aug 3, 1492

    Colombus Reaches the New World in 1492

    Colombus Reaches the New World in 1492
    In the year 1492, Christopher Columbus arrives at the Bahamian island believing he reached East Asia. Columbus sets sail across the Atlantic Ocean in search of land to claim for Isabella and Ferdinand of Spain. These monarchs subsidized Christopher's attempt to find a Western ocean route to China, India and Asia. They were in search of vaulable resources such as gold and spices. But Colubus had to convince the king and queen to finance this voyage considering he was not a wealthy man.
  • 1500

    Iroquois Confederacy founded in the late 1500's

    Iroquois Confederacy founded in the late 1500's
    Between 1570 and 1600, the Great Peacemaker named Deganawida successfully convinced Hiawatha to enhance the peace through a civil authority. By creating the 'Great Law' it allowed the Native American tribes to stand together against invasions. Also they had a common council which composed of clans and village chiefs and each tribe had only one vote and everyone and to agree in order to comply with a decision. The jurisdiction consists of peace cheifs who are know as Sachems and Hodiyahnehsonh.
  • Period: 1519 to 1521

    The significance of 1521

    The Spanishbrought their own animals, crops, language and cutoms when ruleling over Mexico. I Believe this was significant moment in history because some Indians tried to rebel over the Spanish but the Spanish seen it as if they were being attacked by them. But how would Spanish speakers understand the aztecan language. Cortes had an Native American interpreter named La Maliche and I think that she is a significant person because she could have said different things that could change things.
  • Aug 13, 1521

    Cortes conquers Mexico for Spain in 1521

    Cortes conquers Mexico for Spain in 1521
    On August 13,1521, Cortes wanted to lay seige on Tenochtitlan for driving them out. In this year a smallpox epidemic spreaded into the Valley of Mexico killing hundreds. This allowed Cortes to conquest Mexico much more easily since most of Mexico's population was entirely wiped out. The Spanish was than able to rule over the Aztec empire through Spanish rulling, where many of the cities temples were destroyed for Christian cathedrals.
  • 1534

    Cartier's journey up the St. Lawrence River in 1534

    Cartier's journey up the St. Lawrence River in 1534
    In 1534, Jacques Carter was the first European who explored and discovered the St. Lawrence River which is now called Quebec, Canada. Carter was ordered by King Francis I of France to explore the Northern American island is search of wealth. Through his voyage he was even able to discover Magdalen and Prince Edward islands by traveling the West Shore of Newfoundland.
  • Period: 1534 to 1535

    The significance of 1534

    The discovery of the St. Lawrence River is important because it was able to form the basis of France's claims. Also through his expeditions it allowed him to discover more lands later on in history which later lead to France's increase in wealth. Carter may have not been as successful as possible in colonization but it still created an inpact to other settlers looking for wealth and land.
  • Period: 1570 to

    The significance of the late 1500's

    When the Iroquois decided to create a Confederacy they allowed five tribes to bound together which were the Mohawks, the Oneidas, the Onondagas, the Cayugas and the Senecas. I believe that this is a key event for the Native Americans primarily due to the fact that that many of them have died from diseases and colonization from settlers. I think this can be an influencial moment for the Natives where they can reunite once again but together a s much more stronger.
  • Period: to

    The significance of 1607

    The foundation of Jamestown is very important due to the fact that later on in history many detailed and pivotal events take place. It was essential for the English Colonist to find Jamestown as it can be considered a very major event in history that leads up to the success of other events later on in time creating significant history.
  • Virgina colony Founded at Jamestown In 1607

    Virgina colony Founded at Jamestown In 1607
    In 1607, Jamestown was founded by the Virgina Company a headquarter in England. During this period the Virgina Company's three ships landed near Chesapeake Bay, where many Indians had attacked them. The colonist had to chose a location to settle which was on the wooded and malarial banks of the James River, which was named after King James I in his honor. The area was very unhealthy leaving the English settlers to disembark where they later called that area Jamestown.
  • Period: to

    The significance of 1619

    During this period many Africans migrated to Jamestown by others, leading up to them working their debt off as if it were a contract. This was a very important time in history because you can trace all of the future in American history. Also the establishment of The House of Burgesses was for colonial development, leading to the success of autocratic power instead of a constitutional monarchy.
  • The first Africans arrive in Jamestown Virgina House of Burgesses in 1619

    The first Africans arrive in Jamestown Virgina House of Burgesses in 1619
    In 1619, Governor George Yeardley had arrived in Virginia from England to announce that the Virgina Company had voted to get ride of the martial law and to create a legislative gathering instead. Also it was the first legislative assembly in the American colonies where the first meeting was on July 30 of 1619. Burgesses were elected representatives and only white men with a certain amount of property owned was obligated to voting.
  • What is the Age of Exploration? 1491-1607

    What is the Age of Exploration? 1491-1607
    The Age of Exploration roughly occurred from 1491 through 1607. During this era Europeans began to sail West of the Atlantic Ocean in search of new paths to China as well as the East. The Europeans were in search of raw materials, wealth and knowledge. This is when they were able to discover new lands that were unknown to them permitting them to globalize and adapt to new environments. This was a very important time period that emerged into the European culture.