
U.S. Wars

  • War Begins

    War Begins
    Basically, the French were being dictatorial jerks and the Vietnamese were like "hey guys gtfo" and then they started rebelling. They actually won against the French, and things were pretty chill until the Southern part of Vietnam didn't like what the Northern part was up to, and the US started supplying the South with military power. Then America got involved personally after the North Vietnamese blew up some American ships, thus starting America's involvement in this war.
  • Period: to

    Operation Rolling Thunder

    Yeah, this is what the Black Ops Killstreak is based off of. The US dropping bombs from planes onto Viet Cong supply trails, killing lots of people. However, unlike in Call of Duty, innocent people started getting bombed, fueling the Vietnamese opposition to American soldiers. The US dropped more bombs on North Vietnam than all of the Allies dropped on all of the Axis during all of World War Two.
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    The Tet Offensive

    During a holiday (called Tet), the Vietcong decided to pop out and attack every big city in South Vietnam. It was pretty intense, and they totally wrecked the South for a while, until the U.S. and South Vietnamese people took back the land. However, the Americans lost lots of morale and that was basically the point at which they were like "whatever we're outta here"
  • The Invasion of Laos and Cambodia

    The Invasion of Laos and Cambodia
    In the words of Diamond Nabounpaeng's mother: "They bombed the shit ass out of Laos." This is an apt assessment of America's involvement in Laos and Cambodia. The American public was pretty sick of watching their men die for no reason, and the people in charge eventually caught on. Nixon was like "we're gonna slowly pull our troops out, so to make up for them not being there we'll just bomb the shit ass outta the charlies". So that's what America did.
  • The War Ends

    The War Ends
    After bombing the shit ass outta North Vietnam for long enough, a "peace treaty" was reached, and America pulled out completely. Then everyone lived happily ever after. Jk. Then North Vietnam took over South Vietnam completely and formed a unified communist nation, known today as "Vietnam". So basically, America loses the war and the one thing they fought to prevent happened. And guess what? Vietnam becoming communist wasn't really that bad, seeing as how we're still alive and not communist.