Us imperialism

U.S. Imperialism

  • Chile Ultimatum

    Chile Ultimatum
    Harrison demanded that they appologies and threated to break diplomatic ties between the US and Chile.
    chile appologies and sent money to compensate for the people injured in the war between the two contries.
    the image is a picture of chile.
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    Spanish-American War

    -Spain and America both wanted control of Cuba.
    -Cuba wanted their independence.
    -America also joined because one of their ships mysteriously sank. Spain was blamed.
    -America fought to control the territory but still grant Cuba their rights.
    -Eventually America won and granted Cuba their independence.
    -They now had total control of the Carribean region and the treaty created gave America control of the Philipines.
  • Puerto Rico Military Invation and Territorial Aquisition

    Puerto Rico Military Invation and Territorial Aquisition
    -Congress' authority to have inferior status for Puerto Rico
    made it an unicorporated territory
    -Puerto Ricans were not happy
    -U.S. them as citizens and gave them more rights
    -Theodore Roosevelt Jr.:
    "poverty was widspread ad hunger, almost to the verge of starvation, common"
    "the influx of capital has increased the efficiencey of production and promted and promted general economic development"
    -Benefits Americans, not Puerto Ricans because they live in such bad conditions.
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    Spanish-American War

    -American troops
    -McKinley administration moved towards removing troops and forming own government in Cuba
    -Cuban convention they drafted constitution under military governor General Laonard Wood.
    -PLATT AMENDMENT- restricted Cuban diplomatic relationships with other contries. required them to lease naval bases to US. Authorized US intervention to keep order and preserve Cuban independence.
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    September 6th 1899 war started. Granted free open market and trade, prevented disputes and the Anti-Froeign movement known as the Boxer Rebellion. the Open door policy was to secure internatioal agreement to egua; trade and commerce in china and respect for chinese integrity. The no Biinding treaty is a reult of this war.
  • Colombia Military Intervention

    Colombia Military Intervention
    -Colombia did not give the canal zone to the United States.
    -Because of this the US invades Colombia
    -In 1903 the United States took Panama from Colombia. This cause major tension between the two countries.
    -US also took over the canal zone
    -Panama is still under US military control.
    -The picture is a map showing the canal zone that the war was fought over.
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    Russo-Japanese War

    Japan and Russia have a dispute over who controls Manchuria. In 1904 Japanese attack Russia.Japanese ask President Roosevelt to draw up a peasce agreement. The Trreaty of Portsmith was signed in September 1905 in Portsmouth NH. It stated that Japanese had the right to be present in SOuth Manchuria and Korea. Russia alsso ceded the southern half of the island of Sakhalin to JApan. Japan won control, but Russia was not harmed nor did it gain anthing out of this dispute.
  • Panama Acquisition of Canal Zone

    Panama Acquisition of Canal Zone
    -During the the Isthmian Canal Convention the United States was given possession of the Panama Canal Zone.
    -The USA took control over the construction, protection, and operation of the Panama Canal.
    -Once completed it enabled the USA to ship goods quicker and cheaper between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.
    -The canal also contributed to the economic power the USA demonstrated.
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    Dominican Republic Military and Administrative Intervention

    -After the US troops invanded the Dominican Republic with the intent to protect US commercial interests, the US and Domincan Republic went into Naval Battle over Santo Domingo.
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    Cuba occupational Intervention 2

    periodically after 1902, but officially occupied again in 1906 till 1909
  • Cuba occupational Intervention 3

    Cuba occupational Intervention 3
    occupied east island to put down an uprising trying to over throw the government.
    in exchange for having to give up Honda Bay, US demanded an extention into Guantánamo.
    'The day is not far distant when three Stars and Stripes at three equidistant points will mark our territory; one at the North Pole, another at the Panama Canal, and the third at the South Pole. The whole hemisphere will be ours in fact as, by virtue of our superiority of race, it already is ours morally.' -taft
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    Nicaragua ocupational Intervention

    Ruled Nicaragua for 13 years and tried to put down rebal groops until 1925
  • Mexico Military Intervention

    Mexico Military Intervention
    -Woodrow Wilson had had pressures to send troops into Mexico and seize the Veracruz Port.
    -He gave in to the pressures in 1914.
    -The Veracruz Port was a port in which Mexico imported majority of its weapons for the army.
    -Through this invasions Wilson was successful in achieving his goal to remove General Victoriano Huerta from the Mexican government.
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    Haiti Occupational Intervention

    july 1915 masacre of political prisoners lead by Jean Vilbrun Guillaume Sam. This made Willson call an invation for he feared aniti-US Casob leader Rosalvo Bobo would possiably take over. Drew up new constitution, which included free white man landowner the right to vote. The paople of Haiti were unhappy but it was not until the great depression hit that the Us decided to start pulling troops and new elections were held. American deligations however remained until 1941 to keep American economic
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    Dominican Republican Occupation

    -In 1916-1924 the US gained an 8-year marine occupation of the country.
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    Mexico Military Intervention: Punitive Expedition

    -Following the takeover of the Vera Cruz Port, Francisco "Pancho" Villa invaded new Mexico killing 16 Americans.
    -Wilson called upon General Pershing to lead an army to diminish Villa's band of 500 posed along the U.S.-Mexican border.
    -This was known as the Punitive Expedition.
    -This lead to the downfall of Villa's government.
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    Cuba occupational Intervention 4

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    Nicaragua ocupational Intervention 2

    returned to put down Augusto Sandino, rebal leader. but left in 1933 and left Augusto Sandino in charge of the country.