U.S hystory timeline A lupold

  • The date the Continental Congress offically signs the Declaration of Independence

    this is where i got some of the words at the second Continental Congressmet in Philadelphia and on the following day 12 of the 13 colonies voted in favor of Richard Henry Lee’s motion for independence. The delegates then spent the next two days debating and revising the language of a statement drafted by Thomas Jefferson.
  • Trail of tears

    The trail of tears what use to deacribe how the Cherokee treated the Indian Removal Act in 1830. the evicted/kicked out the indians and mad they walk for miles in the cold snow. so mant people died,children and parents.They were forced by gun point and thaey thatougth that it is was not fair so that so thay took it to the gov. and they approved that is was nto fair but they did not listen .
  • cotton gin

    the cotton gin was made by Eli Whitney. The earliest versions consisted of a single roller made of iron or wood and a flat piece of stone or wood.if i would get jamed kids 6-12 world reach there hands. in afrcia yong kids form 6 to up they would just takt them and the parents would not know. they were whiped and abused
  • My birthday

    Well for my birthday i want to penns cave for my birthday and i saw sool artifacts and the ice age when that happened. i was 12 and it took abought an hour going in and out of the cave and when you go in thw cave agan it is verry cold i needed like 5 jackets becaue it was that colld but i showeddrawling and how that built stuff mt picture is a rock the cavemen built and it was ausome ;)