Stepping into the 50's

  • Plessy v. Ferguson

    A case in which Louisiana passed a law involving the interaction of rail ways for black and white in 1892. Plessy took a seat in a white person spot and refused to move which started a cause a Supreme Court dealing.
  • Brown v. Board of education

    This was a case in which the U.S. Supreme court justice Earl set out the united ruling. Segregation of public schools was violation to the 14th admendment so it was considered not consitutional and this case helped it be reolved.
  • Murder of Emmett Till

    BiographyEmmett Till reportedly flirted with a white Chasler. For days follwing the event Till was kidnapped by 2 white men, beat then shot right to the head.
  • Rosa parks and the bus boycott

    Rosa parks sat down after a rough day at work but in a white person's seat and was ask to get up but refused too. She arrested and fined $10. Her arrest made a change to the U.S. Today.
  • SCLC

    The founder was MLK which started the Southern Chritsian Leaderhsip Conference. This was overshadowed by the assassination of MLK.
  • Little rock night and central high school

    Came up during the America Civil Rights movement when 9 black students enrolled into a all white high school in Central high school which started the problem in 1957
  • Greensboro Sit-in

    A chain of non-violent protest lead to Woolworth department to removing the policy of racial segregation in the southern US. Young African American students sat at a white lunch table and that's where things began to change.
  • Freedom ride/ riders

    8 blacks and 6 whites left Washington DC on two public busses trying to tests Virgina which declared segregation. They bombed the bus kill in many people just to challenge segregation.
  • March on Washington

    A march with 250,000 people all to promote civil rights and equality. Walking down independence avenues and then followed by "I have a dream" speech. This march was intiated by Phillip Randolph.
  • Student non violent coordinating commitee and freedom summer

    Introduces events in 1964 when over 700 black and white students traveled to Mississippi to help black citizens vote and combat forms of discrimination from (SNCC)
  • Civil Rights act of 1964

    Proposed by JFK who was sympathetic to African American. He understood blacks deserved full equality and that radical descrimination wasan embarrasment to America.
  • Assaination of Malcolm X

    After many attepts of asasanation of memebers of the nation of islam sadly succedded one week after fire bombing his home. He was shot while speaking at a rally of his organizationin NYC because it was belived that he hasd became to powerful.
  • Voting rights acts (1965)

    Law that was passed during the civil rights movement that prevented whites form voting. Eliminating devices for literacy to keep people from voting. The 15th amendment stated it all.
  • Assassination of MLK

    James Earl Ray shot MLK due to rascism. His assassination was planned in Memphis as he stood on his balcony in his motel room. That's where it changed the nation dramatically.