U.S. History 1900- 1909

  • Gold Standard Act

    Gold Standard Act
    The President William McKinley signed this act to establish gold as the sole basis for redeeming paper currency.
  • WIlliam McKinley Assasinated

    WIlliam McKinley Assasinated
    On September 6 President William McKinley was in the side Temple of Music the grounds of Pen- American Exposition in Buffalo New York. He was shaking hands with the public when he was shoot.Died 8 days later on the 14th.
  • Theodore Roosevelt Becomes President

    Theodore Roosevelt Becomes President
    Theodore Roosevelt became President after President William McKinley was Assasinated. He was the youngest President at the age of 43.
  • The First world series

    The First world series
    Was boston Americans verses Pittsburgh Pirates. They played on HUntington AVenue baseball grounds and Exposition park III. Boston Americans won
  • Oklahoma becomes a state

    Oklahoma becomes a state
    President Theodore Roosevelt signed the proclomation to establish Oklahoma as our 46 state
  • Ford model T appears on market

    Ford model T appears on market
    The Ford model T was an automobile created by Henry Ford. Tjhe first affordable Automobile. That more likely allowed the middle class americans to travel.
  • William Taft becomes President

    William Taft becomes President
    William Howard Taft becomes becomes the 27th President after Theodore Roosevelt
  • Payne- Archid Tarrif

    WHen Taft became President he tried to pass a Tarrif bill to reduce Tarrif. But the U.S. Senate substituted a bill written by Aldrich and instead increased its Tarrifs
  • U,S, Penny is Changed

    U,S, Penny is Changed
    The U.S. Penny is changed to the Abraham Lincoln design. That is also the first U.S. cent to include ' IN God We Trust"
  • William H. Louis Appointed Assistant General of the U.S;

    William H. Louis Appointed Assistant General of the U.S;
    William H. Louis was appointed by President William H. Taft to have the highest postion ever held by an AFrican AMerican. As the the Assistant General of U.S. which he hel till 1913