Causes of the Civil War

By evida
  • U.S Constitution - 3/5th Compromise 1787

    U.S Constitution - 3/5th Compromise 1787
    The 3/5th compromise is when 3 out of 5 slaves counts as one person. This event is important because it's a way to count the slaves as a part of the population.
  • Northwest Ordiance 1787

    The Northwest Ordinance was a way of admitting new states to the union from the territory. This event was important because it laid the basis of the government of the Northwest Territory.
  • Fugitive Slave Act of 1793

    Fugitive Slave Act of 1793
    The Fugitive Save Act was to return the slaves who escaped. This act was important because it helped change many previously indifferent northerners to antislavery.
  • The Invention of Cotton Gin

    The cotton gin machine helped speed up the process of removing seeds from the cotton fiber. This was important because it made cotton profitable so slavery spread.
  • Ban on Slave Importation

    The ban on slave importation is when no slaves were permitted to be imported to the United States. This was important because it admitted slaves from entering the United States.
  • Missouri Compromise 1820

    Missouri Compromise 1820
    The Missouri compromise was the act that provided the addition to the United States of Maine as a free state, and Missouri as a slave state. This was important because it stopped slavery debates for a good period of time.
  • Nat Turner Rebellion 1831

    Nat Turner Rebellion 1831
    The Nat Turner rebellion was a slave rebellion. It killed 55-65 people, 51 who were white. This was important because it made some southerners change to antislavery.
  • South Carolina Nulification Crsis 1832

    The South Carolina nullification crisis was when South Carolina nullified the tariff act and said that they were unconstitutional. This was important because it tested the strength between the states rights and the federal rights.
  • Organization of the Underground Railroad

    The organization of the underground railroad was a type of escape route for the slaves to escape into free states, Harriett Tubman helped the slaves through this. This was important because it helped hundreds of slaves get to free.
  • Wilmot Proviso 1846

    Wilmot Proviso 1846
    The Wilmot Proviso was an unsuccessful plan to ban slavery in the United States. This was important because it leaded to the settlement of the Mexican- American War.
  • Treaty of Guadaluope Hidalgo 1848

    Treaty of Guadaluope Hidalgo 1848
    The treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo was a peace treaty and a settlement between the United States and the Mexican republic. This was important because it ended the U.S.-Mexican war.
  • Compromise of 1850

    The compromise of 1850 was five pills passed by the United States Congress. This was important because the south gained the fugitive slave law and north gained a new free state.
  • Uncle Toms Cabin Published in 1852

    Uncle Toms cabin was a book written by Harriet Beecher Stowe that was about slavery. This was important because it made people in the north much more opposed to slavery.
  • Kansas-Nebraska Act 1854

    Kansas-Nebraska Act 1854
    The Kansas-Nebraska Act allowed people in Kansas and Nebraska to decide if they wanted slavery in their territory or not. This was important because it allowed the the states to be apart of the Union.
  • Bleeding Kansas 1855

    Bleeding Kansas 1855
    The Bleeding Kansas were the words they used to describe the violent acts that happened during the settlement of Kansas. Violence occurred because both sides were fighting for control. This event was important because the elections would decide if Kansas would allow slavery or not.
  • Charles Sumner Attacked 1856

    The Charles Sumner Attack in 1856 was in 1851, Sumner was elected U.S. Senate. He campaigned against a southern aggression on the slavery issue.
  • Dred Scott Decison 1857

    Dred Scott was an enslaved African American who sued for his freedom. The Dred Scott decision was when the supreme court denied his freedom and said that slaves were property.
  • John Browns Raid at Harpers Ferry

    John Browns Raid at Harpers Ferry
    John Browns raid was when Brown tried to start a slave revolt and end slavery. This was important because it was trying to end slavery.
  • Lincolns Election 1860

    Lincolns election was against Douglas. He was the first republican to to win presidency. Southerners did not like him so he was very unpopular.
  • South Carolina Secedes From the Union 1860

    South Carolina Secedes From the Union 1860
    South Carolina was the first state in the south to secede from the union. They decided to secede because Abraham Lincoln was elected.