Two Party System

  • Federalists

    Federalists were the party of the rich and well-born. They had a high status. The federalists were led by Hamilton and they wanted a strong national government. Federalist Parties called for a national bank, tariffs, and good relations with England. They appealed to financial, manufacturing, and commercial interest. The federalists were the first American political Party; they existed from the 1790s to 1816.
  • Anti- Federalists

    The Anti- Federalist party was run by Jefferson. They were more sympathetic to the common man than the Federalists, and they believed that each state should have the right to decide its own laws. They opposed the creation of a stronger national government and later were against the ratification of the 1787 Constitution. They felt the Constitution gave too much power to the President and the Congress. In addition, they felt federal courts had too much power.
  • Democratic Republicans

    The Democratic Republicans were unopposed in government until the mid 1820s. It was formed by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison in 1791. They opposed the centralizing policies of the new Federalist Party. They wanted an agrarian-based government.
    The Democratic Republic Party later created Andrew Jackson's Democratic Party in 1828.
  • Jacksonian Democrats

    The Jacksonian Democracy was a political movement toward democracy for the common man typified by by American politician Andrew Jackson and his supporters. This democracy involved a large range of reforms including expanding suffrage to restructuring federal institutions. Some people believed that this democracy involved aspects of white supremacy and that Jacksonianism was a political impulse tied to slavery.
  • The Party of Lincoln (Republicans)

    After the Civil War, the Democrats were crippled. This allowed the Republicans to take over and run the country. Lincoln was the first Republican President, and with the success of Union victory, the party came to dominate the national political scene until 1932. It was based on white Protestants, businessmen, small business owners, factory workers, professionals, and African Americans. It supported businesses and banks, and emphasized an expansive foreign policy.
  • Roosevelt Democrats

    With the Great Depression came change in the political landscape.
    In 1932, Franklin Roosevelt, a Democrat, was elected to the Presidency. His supporters, Roosevelt Democrats, were southerners, small farmers, organized laborers, and big city organizations. The party focused mostly on social welfare and economic programs.
  • Modern Republicans

    Modern Democrats are liberal and open to change. They favor a minimum wage and progressive taxation. They also want to decrease military spending and to have a smaller military. They support abortion, believe in community, and think that people should be socially responsible. Modern Democrats believe that people are greater when they work together than when they work on their own. They believe the country will succeed when everyone is given a fair shot and everyone has the same rules.
  • Modern Democrats

    Modern Democrats are liberal and open to change. They support abortion and community. They also believe that people working together with a fair shot is better than people working on their own. They see everyone as deserving equality and justice. They also want to decrease military spending and decrease the size of the military. In addition, they support minimum wage and progressive taxation.