Turn of the Century Timeline Project

  • Alexander Graham Bell invents telephone

    Alexander Graham Bell invents telephone
    As a teacher for the hearing impaired, he was asked to help finalize a harmonic telegraph. This would help send multiple messages simultaneously. Although when inventing the telephone he faced several lawsuits that claimed he did not claim the invention.
  • Thomas Edison invents light bulb

    Thomas Edison invents light bulb
    He had his own space to experiment with his inventions in his basement at home and spent most time down there. He was also one of the most well known inventors of his time. When inventing the light bulb he blew his own glass in a separate shed and soon enough the bulb would create light for home use and electricity.
  • Ellis Island Opens

    Ellis Island Opens
    Big changes were happening for the U.S. at the time of immigration. Millions of people from all over northern and western Europe. The immigrants that came to immigrate in the U.S. consisted of mostly Jews trying to escape from political and other typed of oppression. Others were: Poles, Hungarians, Czechs, Serbs and Greeks.
  • carnegie steel homestead strike

    carnegie steel homestead strike
    The homestead strike was an important part to the industrial disputes of the time in 1892. It started when Henry Frick put 20% wage cuts on workers. This event also became known as the Homestead massacre because of the killing of strikers (workers) by the private police force.
  • Plessy vs Ferguson

    Plessy vs Ferguson
    This was a supreme court decision that followed the “separate but equal doctrine”. The case came from a man who refused to sit in the blacks section of a train. As a result the Jim Crow laws were somewhat restricted.
  • tenement act

    tenement act
    As immigrants were moving into tenements the public became aware of the living conditions and how the tenements were built. It was one of the first laws to ban the construction of dark, poorly ventilated buildings in the state of NY. It required new buildings to have windows, indoor bathrooms, proper ventilation, and fire safeguards.
  • pure food and drug act passed

    pure food and drug act passed
    the public became aware of the horrific and unsanitary conditions of packaged meat and the processes it went through. It wasn’t until the public read Upton Sinclair’s “The Jungle” congress moved legislation. It prevented the manufacture and sale of miss breaded or poisonous foods.
  • creation of NAACP

    creation of NAACP
    The NAACP stand for the National Association for the advancement of Colored people. It was the oldest and largest civil rights organization formed in New York City by black and white activists. They formed it because of the ongoing violence against African-Americans around the country.
  • Triangle Shirtwaste Fire

    Triangle Shirtwaste Fire
    The fire broke out on the top floors of the triangle shirt waist factory and women were trapped inside because the owners had locked the fire scape exit doors and the women will have to jump to their deaths. The fire lead to improved safety standards for workers.
  • Women got the right to vote

    Women got the right to vote
    In the mid-19th century several generations of women and supporters lectured, wrote, marched, and. practiced civil disobedience. their goal was to have with every other American had besides women; and that was the right to vote. The first worked on passing sufferage acts state by state and that worked but eventually got the full rate with the 19th amendment.