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Turn of the Century

  • Alaska is purchased from Russia

  • Completion of Transcontinental Railroad

    Completion of Transcontinental Railroad
    The completion of the Transcontinental Railroad was a joy for the people living in the West. Even though there were many railroads in the East, but none connecting the whole country. It also increased the population in the West.
  • John D. Rockefeller starts Standard Oil

  • Alexander Graham Bell invents the telephone

  • Thomas Edison brings light to the world with the light bulb

  • Chinese Exclusion Act

  • Samuel Gompers founded the American Federation of Labor (AFL)

  • Sherman Anti-trust Act

    Sherman Anti-trust Act
    The Sherman Anti-trust Act helped get rid of monopolies. This helped other people who wanted to own businesses and make money. It also helped the monopolies become less powerful.
  • Ellis Island opens

    Ellis Island opens
    The opening of Ellis Island allowed more people from Northern and Western Europe to come to the U.S. Around five thousand to ten thousand immigrants traveled through Ellis Island everyday. This increased the population of America by the millions.
  • Carnegie Steel's Homestead Strike

  • Plessy v Ferguson

    Plessy v Ferguson
    This was a supreme court case that made segregation legal. It was a step back in the legal system that wouldn't get fixed for awhile. It caused many unions to start to be against segregation.
  • The U.S. declares war on Spain

  • Hawaii is annexed

  • Rudyard Kipling published "The White Man's Burden" in The New York Sun

  • The start of the Boxer Rebellion

  • President McKinley is assassinated and Progressive Theodore Roosevelt becomes President

    President McKinley is assassinated and Progressive Theodore Roosevelt becomes President
    After Theodore Roosevelt suddenly became president, progression-ism started rapidly. He wanted to get rid of monopolies and he cared about nature. He was a great person to be the leader of the United States.
  • Tenement Act

  • The Philippine Insurrection comes to an end

  • The Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe doctrine declares the U.S. right to intervene in the Western Hemisphere

  • Upton Sinclair releases "The Jungle"

    Upton Sinclair releases "The Jungle"
    When Upton Sinclair released "The Jungle" many people started to put more light on the subject of inspections. A lot of people didn't believe it until Roosevelt sent people to go investigate. This led to the Pure Meat & Drug Act and the Meat Inspection Act and progression in the United States.
  • Pure Food & Drug Act and The Meat Inspection Act are passe

  • Peak year of immigration through Ellis Island

  • Henry Ford produces his first Model T

  • Creation of the NAACP

    Creation of the NAACP
    The NAACP was started because of the violence and segregation against black people around the country. It was started by black and white activists that wanted to see a change. Overall, it helped get the rights that black people needed.
  • The Triangle Shirtwaist Fire

    The Triangle Shirtwaist Fire
    The Triangle Shirtwaist Fire happened when a fire started in the factory and 145 workers died due to poor safety precautions. This was a tragic event but it drew more attention to the dangerous conditions of factories. It led to many safety laws being placed for factories.
  • The Assassination of Austria's archduke Franz Ferdinand starts WWI

  • The Panama Canal is completed and opened for traffic

    The Panama Canal is completed and opened for traffic
    When the Panama Canal opened, shipping goods became much faster than before. It took very long to complete because many men were dying from diseases. The price of goods also changed because of this.
  • The United States enters WWI

    The United States enters WWI
    President Woodrow Wilson declared that the U.S. was entering WWI and panic broke out. They were considered neutral. This started many alliances between the U.S. and other countries.
  • Ratification of the 18th Amendment - Prohibition

  • Woman got the right to vote